Kindergarten Math Skills: Counting to 10 Worksheets for Beginners

Are you wondering where to start developing your kindergartener's early math skills? Our counting to 10 worksheets is here with fun ways to build your beginner's proficiency and prepare them for later math.

  • These worksheets are perfect for introducing one-to-one correspondence with fun pictures so that kids can easily understand the meaning behind the numbers they are saying. To kids, counting or reciting numbers seems very easy. But they'll certainly need extra help when they start counting and identifying numbers or relating them to a group of objects.

    So, why not kickstart? Let's together enjoy this fun and engaging way of counting to 10 practice.

    How to teach your kids to count to 10 with fun math worksheets

    If you are reading this section of MathSkills4Kids, it means you were looking for how to teach your kids to count to 10 with fun. You don't need to find further since our math worksheets are designed to be colorful, engaging, and interactive.

They have different themes and activities to keep your kids interested and motivated. They will practice counting objects, tracing numbers, matching numbers and words, and more.

Your kids will love these worksheets so much that they will ask for more! You can download them for free and print them at home. Start teaching your kids how to count to 10 with these fun math worksheets today and see how they progress.

    • What comes after the numbers 1-5 ?

      A genuine and in-depth way of teaching counting to kids is by enabling them to learn what number comes after another. For instance, since they have mastered counting up to 5, it's time to move on to the next set of numbers, which is counting up to 10.

      There are lots of captivating visual designs that will help your kids quickly determine what comes after the numbers 1 to 5. These fun visual aids include: counting blocks, fingers, fun models, etc. You will also enjoy our idea of incorporating counting into everyday activities, like counting the number of steps on a staircase or the number of apples in a basket.

      With practice and patience, your child will soon be counting all the way up to 10 with ease!

    • Counting objects 1 to 10

      Counting Objects 1 to 10 is another fun and simple way to incorporate counting skills to kids.

      This worksheet shows your kids different sets of objects, such as stars, flowers, apples, etc., and asks them to count how many there are in each set. Then, they write the corresponding number below each set.

      Below are other related worksheets that will help kids connect number names with the quantities they represent.

      • Learn with Models: This worksheet is a fun way to use different models to count objects. It shows your kids pictures of dominoes, dices, and fingers and asks them to count how many dots or fingers there are in each picture. Then, they write the corresponding number below each picture. This worksheet helps them use different strategies to count objects and recognize patterns.
      • Count and Circle the Number: This worksheet is a simple way to check your kids' counting skills. It shows your kids a set of objects and a row of numbers from 1 to 10.
      • It asks them to count how many objects there are in the set and circle the correct number in the row. It also helps them recall the number names and match them with the quantities.
      • Tick the Correct Number: This exciting worksheet shows your kids a set of objects and three numbers in boxes. It asks them to count the number of objects in each set, then tick the correct number in the boxes. This worksheet helps them compare numbers and choose the right one.
      • Complete with the Missing Numbers: This worksheet is a challenging way to test your kids' counting skills. It shows your kids a series of numbers from 1 to 10 with some missing numbers. It asks them to fill in the blanks with the missing numbers. This worksheet helps them review the order of numbers and how to count forward and backward.
    • Writing Numbers up to 10

      In addition to counting objects, it's important for kindergarten students to learn how to write numbers up to 10. These worksheets include tracing and writing exercises to help your child develop their number writing skills.

      By practicing both counting and writing numbers, your child will be well on their way to mastering essential math skills.

    • Numbers 1 to 10 recognition in letters and figures

      This worksheet is a great way to practice number recognition skills. It shows your kids the numbers from 1 to 10 written in words and figures and asks them to match them by drawing lines. They will also learn how to read and identify the numbers in both forms.

      • Numbers words to figures matching: This worksheet is a fun way to practice number matching skills. It shows your kids a set of cards with numbers written in words on one side and figures on the other side. They will cut out the cards and match them by placing them next to each other. This worksheet helps them learn how to convert numbers from words to figures and vice versa.
      • Write figures in words numbers: This worksheet is another way to practice number conversion skills. It shows your kids a set of numbers written in figures and asks them to write them in words below each one. By so doing, they will learn how to spell and write the numbers in words.

    Simple addition and subtraction worksheets

    This worksheet is a great way to introduce your kids to simple addition and subtraction operations. It shows your kids pictures of objects that can be added or subtracted, such as candies, balloons, pencils, etc., and asks them to solve simple problems using these pictures.

    For example, if they see two candies plus one candy, they write 2 + 1 = 3; if they see four balloons minus one balloon, they write 4 - 1 = 3; and so on.

    This worksheet helps them understand the concepts of adding and subtracting using concrete objects.

    Add or remove one from numbers up to 10

    One of the simplest ways to add or subtract is to add or remove one from a number. For example, if we have 5 apples and want to add one more, we can simply put another apple next to the 5 apples and count them all. We get 6 apples! That means 5 + 1 = 6.

    Similarly, if we have 6 apples and want to subtract one, we can simply take away one apple from the 6 apples and count the remaining ones. We get 5 apples! That means 6 - 1 = 5.

    Adding or removing one is also called incrementing or decrementing a number. We can use this technique to change any number by one.

    For example,
    if we have 10 pencils and want to add one more, we can increase 10 by one and get 11 pencils.
    If we have 11 pencils and want to subtract one, we can decrease 11 by one and get 10 pencils.

    Complete the set or remove items to reach the corresponding numbers

    Another way to add or subtract is to complete the set or remove items to reach the corresponding numbers. For example, if we have 3 cookies and we want to add 2 more, we can think of a set of 5 cookies and see how many more we need to complete it. We need 2 more cookies! That means 3 + 2 = 5.

    Similarly, if we have 5 cookies and we want to subtract 2, we can think of a set of 3 cookies and see how many we need to remove to reach it. We need to remove 2 cookies! That means 5 - 2 = 3.

    Completing the set or removing items is also called complementing or reducing a number. We can use this technique to change any number by another number. For example, if we have 7 balloons and want to add 3 more, we can complement 7 by 3 and get 10 balloons. If we have 10 balloons and we want to subtract 3, we can reduce 10 by 3 and get 7 balloons.


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We hope you enjoyed these activities and found these kindergarten math worksheets on numbers up to 10 useful for your kids.

Happy counting!

Useful links

Counting and writing numbers (1-10) worksheets | K5 Learning :

Browse Printable Kindergarten Counting Numbers 1-10 Worksheets | :

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