Fun and educational money math worksheets for 6th Grade learners

  • Understanding and using money math skills is vital for 6th Grade learners as it prepares them for solving real-world money problems and some advanced math topics. Hence, if you are looking for resources to teach your students how to solve their financial transactions confidently, you are in the right place. This article has prepared some fun and educational money math worksheets for 6th-Grade learners to practice and confidently apply their money skills to many real-life scenarios.

    6th Grade money math worksheets: How they can help your kids develop essential skills for the Future

    As one of our primary objectives in this article, we will introduce you to, an outstanding website with remarkable 6th Grade money math worksheets. You may be wondering how these worksheets will help your kids develop essential skills for the future. Worry less. Just try them out and see how your 6th Grade math students can make smart financial decisions now and in the future.

Money math is an important topic for 6th graders to learn and practice because it helps them develop essential skills for managing their finances, such as budgeting, saving, and investing.

It also prepares them for more advanced math topics, such as algebra and geometry, that involve money and decimals.

In this article, however, we will review some basic money concepts, introduce money math skills for 6th grade, and provide fun and engaging money math activities and worksheets for 6th graders to try at home or in the classroom.

    • Why money math matters for 6th Graders

      Money math matters for 6th graders because it helps them understand the value of money and how to use it wisely. Money math teaches them how to compare prices, calculate discounts, sales tax, and interest, and make intelligent decisions about spending and saving.

      Money math also helps them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills useful for many other subjects and situations. By learning money math, 6th graders can become more confident and responsible with their money and prepare for their future financial goals.

    • Review of basic money concepts: coins, bills, and decimal notation

      Before diving into money math skills for 6th grade, let's review some basic money concepts that 6th graders should already know. These include:

      • The names and values of coins and bills in the U.S. currency system
      • How to count, add, subtract, multiply, and divide money amounts using coins and bills
      • How to write money amounts using decimal notation (e.g., $3.25)
      • How to compare and order money amounts using decimal notation (e.g., $3.25 < $4.50)
      • How to round money amounts to the nearest cent, dime, or dollar using decimal notation (e.g., $3.27 ≈ $3.30)


      Also, if your 6th grader needs a refresher on these concepts, you can download the following fun and educational money math worksheets from and give them to practice:

      • Coin Recognition Worksheets: These worksheets help students identify and count coins by their names and values.
      • Money Addition Worksheets: These worksheets help students practice adding money amounts using coins and bills.
      • Money Subtraction Worksheets: These worksheets help students practice subtracting money amounts using coins and bills.
      • Money Multiplication Worksheets: These worksheets help students practice multiplying money amounts by whole numbers or decimals.
      • Money Division Worksheets: These worksheets help students practice dividing money amounts by whole numbers or decimals.
      • Money Decimal Worksheets: These worksheets help students practice writing, comparing, ordering, and rounding money amounts using decimal notation.
    • Money Math Skills for 6th Grade learners: Calculating Discounts, Sales Tax, and Interest

      Now that we have reviewed some basic money concepts, let's move on to some money math skills specific to 6th-grade learners. These money mathskills4kids’ skills include:

      • How to calculate discounts using percentages (e.g., 20% off)
      • How to calculate sales tax using percentages (e.g., 8% sales tax)
      • How to calculate simple interest using the formula I = Prt (where I is the interest amount, P is the principal amount, r is the annual interest rate, and t is the time in years)
      • How to apply these skills to real-world scenarios involving shopping, banking, and investing


      These skills are essential for 6th graders because they help them understand how money changes over time due to various factors. They also help them evaluate different options and make informed choices when buying or selling goods or services or borrowing or lending money.

      To help your 6th grader master these skills, you can download the following fun and educational money math worksheets from to help them practice:

      • Discount Worksheets: These worksheets help students practice calculating discounts using percentages.
      • Sales Tax Worksheets: These worksheets help students practice calculating sales tax using percentages.
      • Simple Interest Worksheets: These worksheets help students practice calculating simple interest using the formula I = Prt.
      • Money Word Problems Worksheets: These worksheets help students apply their money math skills to real-world scenarios involving shopping, banking, and investing.
    • Money math activities for 6th Grade: Budgeting, Saving, and Investing

      Another way to help your 6th Grade students learn and enjoy money math is to engage them in fun and interactive money math activities involving budgeting, saving, and investing.

      These activities can help your 6th grader develop essential life skills such as planning ahead, setting goals, tracking expenses, making trade-offs, saving for the future, and growing their wealth.

      Some examples of these activities are:

      • Budgeting Activity: In this activity, students create a monthly budget based on a given income and expenses. They will allocate their money among different categories such as housing, food, transportation, entertainment, savings, etc.

        They will also adjust their budget according to unexpected events such as emergencies or windfalls. This activity helps students learn how to manage their money and live within their means.

      • Saving Activity: In this activity, students set a saving goal for something they want to buy or do in the future, such as a new gadget, a trip, or a college fund. They have to calculate how much they need to save each month and how long it will take them to reach their goal.

        They also have to consider different saving options such as bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or bonds. This activity helps students learn how to save for their future and appreciate the power of compound interest.

      • Investing Activity: Students pretend to be investors with a certain amount of money to invest in the stock market. They will research different companies and stocks and decide which ones to buy or sell.

        They also have to monitor the performance of their portfolio and calculate their profits or losses. This activity helps students learn how to invest in the stock market and understand the risks and rewards of investing.

    • How to help your 6th Grader master money math

      As a parent or teacher, you can play a vital role in helping your 6th grader master money math. Here are some tips on how you can support your 6th grader's money math learning:

      • Encourage your 6th grader to practice money math regularly using the resources provided in this article or other online or offline sources.
      • Make money math fun and relevant by connecting it to your 6th grader's interests, hobbies, or aspirations. For example, you can use money math to plan a family vacation, buy a gift for a friend, or start a business.
      • Involve your 6th grader in real-life money situations such as shopping, banking, or investing. For example, you can let your 6th grader compare prices, calculate discounts or sales tax, or choose a saving or investing option.
      • Praise your 6th grader's efforts and achievements in money math and celebrate their progress and improvement. For example, you can reward your 6th grader with a certificate, a sticker, or a treat for completing a money math worksheet or activity.

    Bonus: More money math resources for sixth-Graders practice

    If you want to give your 6th grader more practice and fun with money math, here are some web links with descriptions of online games, videos, and worksheets that you can use.

    • Math Playground: Money Games. This website has a variety of interactive games that let your 6th grader practice money skills such as counting change, making change, comparing prices, calculating discounts, and more. Some of the games are also available as apps for mobile devices.
    • Khan Academy: Money. This website has videos and exercises covering money topics such as decimal notation, place value, rounding, adding and subtracting decimals, multiplying and dividing decimals, and converting between fractions and decimals. The videos are clear and engaging, and the exercises provide instant feedback and hints.
    • Math Goodies: Percent and Proportions Worksheets. This website has a collection of printable worksheets that help your 6th grader practice calculating percentages, proportions, discounts, sales tax, interest, and more. The worksheets have answer keys and worked-out solutions.
    • Practical Money Skills: Financial Literacy for Kids. This website has a wealth of resources that teach your 6th grader about financial literacy concepts such as budgeting, saving, investing, credit, debt, and more. The resources include games, videos, comics, articles, quizzes, calculators, and lesson plans.
    • Math Blaster: Money Math Problems. This website has a fun and challenging game that tests your 6th grader's money math skills. The game involves solving money problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and percentages. The game has different difficulty levels and rewards your 6th grader with coins that can be used to buy items for their virtual space station.



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Money math is an essential skill for 6th graders to learn and master. It helps them understand the value of money, make smart financial decisions, and prepare for the real world.

By reviewing the basic money concepts, learning the money math skills for 6th grade, doing the money math activities and worksheets for 6th grade, and using the bonus money math resources for sixth-graders practice, you can help your 6th grader become a money math whiz!

  • Math Skills For Kids - 100% Free Resources For Math Practice - Math Worksheets, Games And Printable