Mixed Operations Word Problems

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All practices skills about Mixed Operations Word Problems
- Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing whole numbers word problems
- Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing decimals word problems
- Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing fractions word problems
- Multi step word problems for Grade 5 learners
- Add subtract multiply and divide fractions by mixed numbers
- Evaluate numerical expressions with parentheses in different places
- Identify mistakes involving the order of operations
- Evaluate numerical expressions with parenthesis
- Evaluate numerical expressions
- Write numerical expressions two operations
- Write numerical expressions one operation
- Add subtract multiply or divide two whole numbers
Basic math operations and their key words.
Apart from carefully reading a given word problem to understand, you equally need to sort out key words or phrases that will indicate a particular operation. Thus, below a table of some basic math operations and their key words.
Addition | Subtraction | Multiplication | Division |
sum | less than | times | split |
plus | more than | total | each |
and | decrease | of | cut |
total | reduce | per | equal pieces |
increase | difference | as much | average |
more | remain | twice | every |
raise | minus | by | out of |
both | dropped | area | ratio |
combined | near | volume | shared |
altogether | balance | product | quotient |
divisibility rules, division facts up to 12, dividing multi digit numbers by 1 digit, dividing whole numbers ending in zeroes, dividing 2 digit numbers and 3 digit numbers by 2 digit number, dividing 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers word problems grade 5, dividing decimals; fractions, etc.