Fun math worksheets for 1st Graders: Practice addition, subtraction, and more

Do you want to help your first grader develop a love for math? Do you want to make math fun and engaging for your child? Do you want to boost your first grader's math skills and confidence? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in the right place!

In this remarkable resource, we will share some fun math worksheets for first graders that will help them practice addition, subtraction, and more.

  • These worksheets are designed to be colorful, interactive, and challenging for your first grader. They will also help your child learn essential math concepts and strategies to prepare them for higher grades.

    Let's get started!

    1st Grade math worksheets: All the essential topics you need

    We have prepared a collection of premium 1st Grade math worksheets that cover all the essential topics you need.

    You will find worksheets on addition, subtraction, place value, shapes, patterns, measurement, etc. These worksheets are designed to help your kids practice their math skills and build their confidence.

    Download them now and start learning!



    • Number worksheets

      Our Grade 1 number worksheets are designed to help first graders practice writing numbers, counting numbers, comparing numbers, ordering numbers, and more.

      They also include fun puzzles and games that challenge kids to use their number sense and logic skills. You can find number worksheets for numbers 1-10, 11-20, 21-50, 51-100, and beyond!

    • Addition worksheets

      Get the best addition worksheets to help your first graders practice adding single-digit numbers, adding two-digit numbers, adding with regrouping, adding with pictures, and more.

      They also include some fun word problems and games that make the addition more meaningful and fun. You can find addition worksheets for sums up to 10, 20, 50, 100, and beyond!

    • Subtraction worksheets

      These subtraction worksheets are designed to help first graders practice subtracting single-digit numbers, subtracting two-digit numbers, subtracting with regrouping, subtracting with pictures, and more.

      They also include some fun word problems and games that make subtraction more meaningful and fun. You can find subtraction worksheets for differences up to 10, 20, 50, 100, and beyond!

    • Geometry worksheets

      First Grade Geometry worksheets will help first graders practice identifying shapes, drawing shapes, sorting shapes, measuring shapes, and more.

      They also include some fun puzzles and games that challenge kids to use their spatial reasoning and geometry skills. You can find geometry worksheets for circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, pentagons, hexagons, octagons, and more!

    • Comparing worksheets

      Comparing worksheets are given to help first graders practice comparing numbers, comparing sizes, comparing lengths, comparing weights, comparing capacities, and more.

      They also include fun activities and games that make comparing more fun and interactive. You can find comparing worksheets for greater than, less than, equal to, most, least, etc.

    • Probability worksheets

      Probability is the chance of something happening. For example, when you flip a coin, there is a 50% chance of getting heads and a 50% chance of getting tails.

      Probability worksheets help you practice finding the probability of different events using coins, dice, cards, spinners, and more. You can also play games like bingo and lotto to learn about probability.

    • Estimation worksheets

      Estimation is making a good guess based on what you know. For example, when you see a jar of candy, you can estimate how many pieces are inside by looking at the size and shape of the jar and the candy.

      Estimation worksheets help you practice estimating numbers, lengths, weights, capacities, and time using different strategies and tools.

    • Place value worksheets

      Place value is the value of each digit in a number based on its position. For example, in the number 123, the digit 1 has a value of 100, the digit 2 has a value of 20, and the digit 3 has a value of 3.

      Place value worksheets help you practice reading and writing numbers in different forms, such as standard form, expanded form, word form, and base ten blocks.

    • Spatial sense worksheets

      Spatial sense is understanding and visualizing shapes and objects in space. For example, when you look at a map, you can use your spatial sense to find your location and direction.

      Spatial sense worksheets help you practice identifying and describing shapes and objects using words like above, below, beside, inside, outside, left, right, front, back, top, bottom, etc.

    • Data and graph worksheets

      Our data and graph worksheets help you practice collecting and organizing data using tables and charts, and displaying and interpreting data using different types of graphs.

      Data is information that you collect and organize. For example, when you survey your classmates about their favorite color, you collect data about their preferences.

      Graphs are pictures that easily show data. For example, when you make a bar graph or a pie chart of your survey results, you show the data visually.

    • Measurement worksheets

      Measurement is finding the size or amount of something using units. For example, when you measure your height or weight using inches or pounds.

      Measurement worksheets help you practice measuring length, weight, capacity, and temperature using standard units (such as inches, feet, ounces, pounds, cups, pints, quarts, gallons, degrees, and Fahrenheit) and non-standard units (such as paper clips, pencils, hands, etc.).

    • Patterns worksheets

      Patterns are sequences that repeat or change predictably. For example, when you see a pattern of red, blue, red, blue, red, can predict what comes next.

      Patterns worksheets help you practice identifying, extending, and creating patterns using shapes, colors, numbers, letters, and sounds.

    • Telling time worksheets

      Get the best telling time worksheets to help your first graders practice telling time to the hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, and five minutes using analog clocks (with hands) and digital clocks (with numbers).

      Telling time is all about reading and writing time using clocks. For example, when you see a clock showing 9:15, you can read it as nine fifteen or quarter past nine.

    • Sorting and classifying worksheets

      1st Grade Sorting and classifying worksheets are given to help first graders practice sorting and classifying objects by one or more attributes (such as color, shape, size, and texture) and by categories (such as animals, fruits, and clothes).

      Sorting and classifying are skills of grouping things based on their similarities or differences. For example, when you sort your toys by color or by type.

    • 2D shapes worksheets

      2D shapes are flat shapes that have two dimensions: length and width. For example, circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles are 2D shapes. 2D shapes worksheets help you practice identifying and naming 2D shapes based on their properties (such as sides and corners) and comparing and contrasting 2D shapes based on their similarities or differences.

    • 3D shapes worksheets

      3D shapes are solid shapes with three dimensions: length, width, and height. For example, cubes, spheres, cylinders, and cones are 3D shapes. 3D shapes worksheets help you practice identifying and naming 3D shapes based on their properties (such as faces, sides, and corners) and comparing and contrasting 3D shapes based on their similarities or differences.

    • Fraction worksheets

      Fractions are parts of a whole. For example, a half, a quarter, and a third are fractions. Fraction worksheets for first graders will enhance practice in identifying and naming fractions using pictures, numbers, and words.

      They also make comparing and ordering fractions based on their size fun and easy.

    • How to make math fun for your first grader: tips and tricks

      Math can be a tedious and frustrating subject for many children, especially if they need help understanding it or finding it too hard. But math can also be a fun and exciting subject if you know how to make it so. Here are some tips and tricks to make math fun for your first grader:

      • Use manipulatives. Manipulatives are objects your child can touch, move, and count to help them understand math concepts. For example, you can use blocks, coins, beads, buttons, or anything else your child likes to play with. Manipulatives can help your child visualize math problems and concretely solve them.
      • Use games. Games are a great way to make math fun and competitive for your first grader. You can use board games, card games, dice games, or online games that involve math skills. For example, you can play Uno, Monopoly, Yahtzee, or Math Bingo with your child. Games can help your child practice math facts, mental math, and problem-solving skills in a fun way.
      • Use stories. Stories are a great way to make math relatable and meaningful for your first grader. You can use books, comics, videos, or podcasts that involve math concepts or characters. For example, you can read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle with your child and talk about how many fruits the caterpillar ate each day. Stories can help your child connect math to their own experiences and interests.
      • Use rewards. Rewards are a great way to motivate your first grader to do math and celebrate their achievements. You can use stickers, stamps, certificates, badges, or anything else your child likes to collect. You can also use praise, hugs, high-fives, or words of encouragement to show your child you are proud of their math efforts. Rewards can help your child feel good about themselves and their math abilities.
    • Fun math games and puzzles: Challenge your first grader's skills

      If you want to challenge your first grader's math skills and make them think outside the box, you should try some fun math games and puzzles with them.

      These games and puzzles are designed to be fun and engaging for your first grader. They will also help your child develop critical thinking, logic, and reasoning skills essential for math success.

      Here are some examples of fun math games and puzzles for first graders:

      • Sudoku. Sudoku is a popular puzzle game that involves filling a grid with numbers from 1 to 9 without repeating any number in a row, column, or 3x3 box. Sudoku is an excellent game for practicing number recognition, patterns, and logic skills. You can find Sudoku puzzles online or in books suitable for first graders.
      • Tangrams. Tangrams are ancient Chinese puzzles that use seven geometric shapes to form different figures. Tangrams are an excellent game for practicing shapes, symmetry, fractions, and spatial skills. You can find tangram puzzles online or in books suitable for first graders.
      • Magic Squares. Magic squares are puzzles that involve filling in a grid with numbers so that the sum of each row, column, and diagonal is the same. Magic squares are a great game for practicing addition facts, mental math, and algebra skills. You can find magic square puzzles online or in books suitable for first graders.
    • Math facts and fluency: Practice makes perfect

      One of the most important skills for first graders is math facts and fluency. Math facts are the essential addition and subtraction facts that kids need to memorize and recall quickly. Recalling these facts requires constant practice. This is in line with the saying that "practice makes perfect."

      Fluency is the ability to perform these calculations accurately and efficiently.

      Also, math facts and fluency are essential for building a solid foundation for more advanced math topics, such as multiplication, division, fractions, and decimals. They also help kids develop confidence and a positive attitude toward math.

      To help your first graders practice math facts and fluency, we have created some fun worksheets that include:

      • Addition facts within 10
      • Subtraction facts within 10
      • Missing addends and subtrahends
      • Fact families
      • Doubles and near doubles
      • Adding and subtracting multiples of 10

      These worksheets are arranged in increasing difficulty, so your kids can progress at their own pace. They also have cute pictures and stickers to make them more appealing. You can download them for free from the link below.

    • Math word problems: Apply your math knowledge to real-life situations

      Another essential skill for first graders to learn is math word problems. Math word problems are problems that use words and numbers to describe a situation that involves some mathematical operation. They require kids to apply their math knowledge to real-life situations and use logical thinking and reasoning.

      Math word problems are great for developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills and enhancing reading comprehension and vocabulary. They also help kids see the relevance and usefulness of math in everyday life.

      To help your first graders practice math word problems, we have created some fun worksheets that include:

      • One-step addition and subtraction word problems within 20
      • Two-step addition and subtraction word problems within 20
      • Word problems with extra or missing information
      • Word problems with different question types (how many more, how many less, how many in all, etc.)
      • Word problems with different contexts (money, time, measurement, etc.)

      These worksheets are also arranged in increasing difficulty, so your kids can challenge themselves. They also have realistic scenarios and colorful illustrations to make them more engaging. You can download them for free from our website,

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Useful links for kindergarteners:

1st Grade Math Worksheets - Printable | K5 Learning:

First Grade Math Worksheets |

1st Grade Math Worksheets – Printable PDFs Free | Math 4 Children Plus:


We hope you find these math worksheets valuable and fun for your first graders. First graders will surely love doing them and improving their math skills.

Try them out today, and don’t forget to CLICK THE SHARE BUTTON to allow others to benefit from this content!. Happy learning!


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