> Math word problems for kids - Easy math word problems for kids with answers

Fun math story problems with answers

Grab the best of very interesting math story problems applicable to real life situations.  These real word math problems have been exceptionally designed to keep your kid’s minds elastic and brilliant in carrying out daily activities.

As a matter of fact, given that word problems are a part of everyday math practice, we have created plenty fun math story problems with answers for each and every math concept.

Most often than not, we strive to encourage kids to think of math problems as actual stories. That is why they’ll find in many areas fun representations, pictures and diagrams, helpful to captivate their interest as well as instruct them on the mathematical relationship found in the word problem.

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15 skills
243 practices

Second Grade

Greatest and least word problems with numbers up to 1000, Adding 3 one digit numbers up to 30 word problems for grade 2, Add three numbers up to two digits word problems 2nd grade, Writing subtraction number sentences from word problems up to 18, Subtraction word problems up to three-digit, Addition sentences word problems with sums to 20, Add four or more one digit numbers word problems with sums to 50, Add four numbers up to two digits word problems for Grade 2, Subtraction word problems up to 20, Greatest and least word problems with numbers up to 100 grade 2, Addition word problems with sums to 20 grade 2, Add two numbers up to two digits word problems 2nd grade, 2nd Grade addition word problems up to three digits, Subtraction word problems up to two-digit
19 skills
393 practices

Third Grade

Fractions of a whole word problems, Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators word problems Grade 3, Adding three numbers up to three digits word problems 3rd Grade, Subtracting two numbers up to two digits word problems grade 3, Multiplication word problems 3rd grade, Multiplying there-digit numbers by one digit number word problems 3rd grade, Dividing three digits numbers by one digit numbers word problems grade 3, Fraction of a group word problems grade 3 with answers, Adding two numbers up to four digits word problems Grade 3, Subtracting two numbers up to three digits word problems grade 3, Comparing numbers using multiplication word problems grade 3, Multiplying three or more numbers word problems, Dividing larger numbers by one digit numbers word problems grade 3, Fractions of a number word problems Grade 3, Adding two numbers up to three digits word problems 3rd grade, Adding three numbers up to four digits word problems Grade 3, Subtracting two numbers up to four digits word problems, Multiplying two digit numbers by one digit number word problems 3rd grade, Dividing two digits numbers by one digit numbers word problems grade 3
17 skills
369 practices

Fourth Grade

Adding 3 or more decimals word problems grade 4, Adding two numbers up to seven digits word problems grade 4, Subtract numbers up to seven digits word problems grade 4, Comparing numbers using multiplication word problems grade 4, Multiplying 2 digits number by 2 digits numbers word problems, Division facts up to 10 word problems grade 4, Adding and subtracting decimals word problems, Estimating sums word problems grade 4, Estimating differences word problems grade 4, 3 digits or 4 digits number by 1 digit numbers multiplication word problems, Multiplying a larger number by two digits numbers word problems, Fractions of whole word problems grade 4, Adding two numbers up to five digits word problems grade 4, Subtracting two numbers up to five digits word problems, Multiplying two digit number by one digit number word problems grade 4, Estimating products word problems grade 4, Multiplying three or more numbers word problems
249 skills
663 practices

Fifth Grade

Dividing fractions and mixed numbers word problems, Division facts to 12, Estimating products word problems, Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing fractions word problems, Addition and subtraction of whole numbers word problems, Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators word problems, Multiplying by two digit word problems, Multiplying two fractions word problems, Division facts up to 12 word problems, Dividing 2 digit numbers and 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers word problems, Divide 2 digit and 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers, Estimate sums and differences word problems, Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing whole numbers word problems, Multi step word problems for Grade 5 learners, Adding and subtracting decimals word problems, Multiplying by one digit numbers word problems, Multiplying three or more numbers word problems, Multiplying mixed numbers word problems, Dividing multi digit numbers by 1 digit number word problems, Dividing decimals by whole numbers word problems, Divide multi digit numbers by 1 digit numbers, Estimating quotient word problems, Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing decimals word problems, Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators word problems, Multiply numbers ending in zeros word problems, Multiplying decimals by whole numbers word problems, Divisibility rules word problems, Dividing whole numbers ending in zeros word problems, Fractions of whole numbers word problems, Fractions of a number word problems
208 skills
1153 practices

Sixth Grade

Lowest common multiple word problems, Comparing fractions word problems, Adding and subtracting with mixed numbers word problems, Multiplying fractions word problems, Compare fractions with like and unlike denominator 6th Grade, Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing fractions word problems, Additions of decimals 6th grade, Multi step word problems, Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators Grade 6, Write numbers from digits to words 6th grade online practice, Multiply three or more numbers word problems, Divide numbers and unit fractions 6th grade, Multiplying numbers that end in zero Grade 6, Divide fractions and mixed numbers 6th grade, Division of numbers word problems, Divisibility rule skills for Grade 6, GCF and LCM word problems – Grade 6, Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators word problems, Understanding Fractions As Division Word Problems, Multiplying mixed numbers word problems, Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing whole numbers word problems, Add and subtract whole numbers word problems, Add subtract multiply or divide two fractions, Subtractions of decimals 6th grade, Adding and subtracting whole numbers 6th grade, Multiplication of whole numbers word problems, Roman numerals questions for 6th graders pupils, Whole numbers multiplication online practice -Multiplying whole numbers Worksheets 6th Grade, Divide fractions by whole numbers in recipes 6th grade, Multiplying three or more numbers, Divide decimal by whole number word problems, Greatest common factor word problems, Understanding fractions word problems, Adding And Subtracting Fractions With Unlike Denominators Word Problems, Fractions of a number word problems, Dividing fractions and mixed numbers word problems, Adding subtracting multiplying and dividing decimals word problems, Adding and subtracting decimals word problems, Estimation word problems, Add and subtract fractions with same denominator Grade 6, Write numbers from words to digits in grade 6, Multiply numbers ending in zeros word problems, Add and subtract mixed numbers Grade 6, Multiplying whole numbers with four or more digits, Divide fractions 6th grade, Estimating products grade 6 - Online practice and worksheets, Dividing whole numbers ending in zeros word problems

Fun math story problems to enhance math understanding?

Take your kid’s math skills to the next level with fun math story problems to enhance math understanding.

As we know, there are usually a lot of strategies to use when solving math sums. But one thing your kids will enjoy most in this resource is our unique and basic routine of solving word problems in at most 3 steps.

In fact, this gradual procedure will ensure a perfect mastery of solving basic math skills as well as developing your kid’s logical thinking skills in every math concept, ranging from addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, algebra, geometry etc.