4 times table quiz - Multiply by 4 test
4 times table test
The 4 times table quiz is a perfect tool to test kid's knowledge on the multiplication concept.
However, given multiple exercises, multiply by 4 test helps to push kids into being curious about the correct answer.
Multiplication Methods Activities
What you need to know about 4 times table
Kids who are fast in addition will find it very easy to obtain fast answers (repeated addition method).
Given 4 x 6 in the 4 times table test, you simply just need to add the other number (which is not 4) 4 times.
We should remember that repeated addition is just one method out of the many methods that we can use in the 4 times table test.
We could however use skip counting in 4s, or equal groups, where we have 4 groups of 6 items each, then of course we jointly count all the items.
Example - 4 times table test
Multiply 4 x 8, you have as answers [ 36, 32, 28 ] for you to choose the correct answer.
Hey, I will not stress myself here.
I'll simply add 6 four times.
6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24
So, 4 x 6 = 24
Bravooooo! I got it so easily.
Another wonderful way of multiplying a number by 4 is to multiply that number by 2 two times, then add the products.
Here we go: 4 x 6 = (4 x 2) + (4 x 2) = 12 + 12 = 24