Counting to 10 with ten frames - Ten frames game
Count up to 10 on ten frames
Counting to 10 with ten frames is a very important concept to embed in the minds of kids.
This is because the ten frame counting activity helps them better understand the number ‘10’, which is one of the most significant numbers amongst all other numbers. Hence forth, we will encourage kids to get engaged in the ten frames game.
This game is so fun and enjoyable that it will reduce math stress that most kids usually have. Besides, kids will instead develop a highly positive attitude during math lessons in class.
Kid’s love for count up to ten on ten frames results to the fact that they actually see number of objects being lined up in the ten frame. As a result, they will gradually develop the concept of more or less, wherein a 6 on a ten frame indicates 1 more than 5, whereas, a 9 on a ten frame indicates a number less than 10 etc.
Example – how many objects are on the frame?
The ten frames game provides a very easy technique to determine how many objects are on the frame.
Now, we must note that the first row is made up of 5 rows. So if the first row is all filled up, then we must have counted up to 5. But to very certain, we’ll begin counting from 1.
Good! So let’s begin counting: 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 → 6 → 7 → 8.
![count objects up to 10 on ten frame](pre-k/tests/5.count-to-10/3.count-up-to-10-on-ten-frame-example-01.png)
Hey! You see, our last counted object is 8, which is not up to 10 on the ten frames.
Therefore, there are 8 objects on the frame. Perfect.
So, we click on 8, then move to our next exercise by clicking ‘Next’