Free place value worksheets for 2nd Grade math practice
Hi there! Are you seeking fun and engaging ways to help your 2nd graders master place value? You have come to the right place. In this resource, we will share some free place value worksheets for your 2nd Grade math practice.
Place value is one of the most important math concepts children need to learn to understand numbers and operations. It helps them read, write, compare, and manipulate numbers easily and confidently.
Also, while reading on, you'll discover why place value matters, how to teach it to your 2nd graders, and how to use the free place value worksheets we created for you.
Let's get started!
Why place value matters: A fun and easy way to understand numbers
Place value is important in mastering number recognition, sizes, and number names. Hence, we want to encourage teachers and parents to explore our fun and easy place-value activities to understand numbers outstandingly.
Place value is the system used to represent numbers using digits and their positions. For example, in the number 123, the digit 1 is in the hundreds place, the digit 2 is in the tens place, and the digit 3 is in the ones place.
Each place has a value 10 times greater than the place to its right. So, the number 123 can be written as 1 x 100 + 2 x 10 + 3 x 1. This is called the expanded form of a number.
Place value helps us easily perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. For example, if we want to add 123 and 456, we can align the digits according to their places and add them separately. Then we can regroup the digits if needed. This is how it looks:

- Counting and numbers
- Comparing and ordering
- Reading and writing numbers
- Shape patterns
- Adding of 1-digit numbers
- Subtracting of 1-digit numbers
- Additing 2-digit numbers
- Subtracting within 2-digits
- Up to 3-digit addition
- Subtracting within 3-digit
- Properties of addition & subtaction
- Mixed operations
- Place-value
- Estimating and rounding
- Logical reasoning
- Money Math
- Telling Time
- Data and graphing
- Units of measurement
- 2D shapes
- 3D shapes
- Geometric measurement
- Fractions
- Probability
- Multiplication
- Division
How to teach place value to your 2nd Graders: Tips and tricks for parents and teachers
The best way for parents and teachers to teach place value to 2nd graders is by using fun tips and tricks. Some of them include:
- Use concrete materials such as base-ten blocks, place value mats, place value charts, or place value cards to help your children visualize and manipulate numbers.
For example, you can use base-ten blocks to show that 123 is made up of one hundred-block, two ten rods, and three unit cubes.
- Use games and activities that involve counting, grouping, comparing, ordering, and exchanging numbers. For example, you can play a game where you give your children a number and ask them to make it using different combinations of base-ten blocks.
Or you can play a game where you give your children two numbers and ask them to compare them using symbols such as >, <, or =.
- Use songs, rhymes, stories, or poems that reinforce place value skills. For example, you can sing a song that goes like this:
One hundred is a big round number
It has three digits in a row
The first one is in the hundreds place
It tells us how many hundreds we have
Ten is a smaller number
It has two digits in a row
The first one is in the tens place
It tells us how many tens we have
One is the smallest number
It has one digit all alone
It is in the ones place
It tells us how many ones we have
- Use concrete materials such as base-ten blocks, place value mats, place value charts, or place value cards to help your children visualize and manipulate numbers.
MathSkils4Kids free place value worksheets for 2nd Grade math practice: Download and print them now
Hey parents and teachers! We have created a set of free place value worksheets for 2nd Grade to help your students in math practice and reinforce their place value skills. You can download and print them right now.
MathSkills4Kids place value worksheets cover various topics, such as:
- Place value models up to thousands: Your children will use base-ten blocks or pictures to represent numbers up to four digits.
- How to identify the place value digits up to the thousands place: Your children will write the digit in a given place in a number up to four digits.
- Convert between place values up to hundreds: Your children will convert numbers from one place value to another up to hundreds.
For example, they will convert 50 tens into hundreds or vice versa.
- Convert from expanded form to standard form up to hundreds: Your children will write numbers in standard form given their expanded form up to hundreds.
For example, they will write 3 x 100 + 4 x 10 + 5 x 1 as 345.
- Regrouping tens and ones: different ways to make a number: Your children will explore different ways to make a number using tens and ones.
For example, they will write that 25 can be made as 2 tens and 5 ones or as 1 ten and 15 ones.
There are more place value worksheets that cover other topics, such as comparing and ordering numbers up to thousands, rounding numbers up to hundreds, adding and subtracting numbers up to hundreds with regrouping, and solving word problems involving place value.
How to MathSkils4Kids free place value worksheets for 2nd Grade: A step-by-step guide with examples
Using MathSkils4Kids free place value worksheets for 2nd Grade is easy and simple. Here is a step-by-step guide with examples that you can follow:
- Download the free place value worksheets from the link below. You will get a PDF file that contains 20 worksheets with answer keys.
- Print the worksheets that you want to use. You can print them in black and white or in color. You can also print them on both sides of the paper to save paper.
- Give the worksheets to your children and let them work on them independently or with your guidance. You can use them as homework, classwork, review, assessment, or enrichment.
- Check the answers using the answer keys provided. You can also discuss the answers with your children and explain any mistakes or misconceptions that they may have.
- Celebrate your children's success and praise their efforts. You can also give them feedback and suggestions on how to improve their skills.
Here are some examples of how the worksheets look like and how to use them:
- Example 1: Place value models up to thousands
This worksheet asks your children to use base-ten blocks or pictures to represent numbers up to four digits. For example;
For the number 1234, they will draw one hundred blocks, two ten rods, three unit cubes, and four thousand cubes.
This will help them visualize and understand each digit's value in a number.
- Example 2: How to identify the place value digits up to the thousands place
This worksheet asks your children to write the digit in a given place in a number up to four digits. For example;
For the number 1234, they will write 2 as the digit in the tens place.
This will help them identify and name each digit's place value in a number.
- Example 3: Convert between place values up to hundreds
This worksheet asks your children to convert numbers from one place value to another up to hundreds. For example, they will convert 50 tens into hundreds or vice versa.
This will help them to understand the relationship between different place values and how to change numbers from one form to another.
What your 2nd graders will learn from MathSkills4Kids free place value worksheets: Skills and concepts covered
By using the free place value worksheets, your 2nd graders will learn and practice various skills and concepts related to place value, such as:
- How to read, write, compare, and order numbers up to thousands using digits, words, symbols, and models
- How to understand and use the base-ten system and its properties
- How to convert numbers from one place value to another up to hundreds
- How to convert numbers from expanded form to standard form up to hundreds
- How to regroup tens and ones in different ways
- How to round numbers up to hundreds
- How to add and subtract numbers up to hundreds with regrouping
- How to solve word problems involving place value
These skills and concepts are aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics for Grade 2. They are also essential for building a strong foundation for more advanced math topics such as fractions, decimals, multiplication, division, and algebra.
Resources and links for more learning opportunities
If you want to explore more about place value with your 2nd graders, here are some resources and links that you might find useful:
- Place Value Games: These fun and interactive games help your 2nd graders playfully practice place value skills.
You can find games for different levels and topics, such as place value blocks, expanded forms, comparing numbers, and more. Place Value Basketball - Dienes Game for 5 to 8-Year-Olds (
- Place Value Videos: These are short and engaging videos that clearly explain place value concepts.
You can watch them with your 2nd graders or use them as a review before or after doing the worksheets.
- Place Value Books: These books feature stories and activities related to place value. You can read them aloud with your 2nd graders or let them read them independently.
They are great for building number sense and vocabulary.
- Place Value Crafts: These creative and hands-on projects let your 2nd graders make their own place value models and tools.
You can use them to reinforce what they learned from the worksheets or to extend their learning to higher place values.
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As we conclude, remember that place value is a fundamental skill that your 2nd graders need to master to understand numbers and perform operations.
It is also a fun and exciting topic you can explore with your 2nd graders using various methods and materials.
We hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful for teaching place value to your 2nd graders. We also hope you liked our free place value worksheets and used them with your 2nd graders.
Please share this article with your friends, family, colleagues, or anyone interested in teaching or learning.
Thank you for reading, and happy learning!