Learn Number Recognition Up to 5 - Lesson Plan

  • Learn Number Recognition Up to 5 - Lesson Plan
    A child showing numbers 1 to 5 - By BING
  • Numbers are everywhere in our world. We use them to count, measure, compare, and more. Developing number sense in early childhood is a crucial skill that lays the foundation for mathematical thinking and reasoning. In this lesson, your pre-k and kindergarten students will learn number recognition up to 5 by watching a video and doing fun activities from Mathskills4kids.com.

    Learning to recognize numbers up to 5 with videos is an engaging way to captivate kids’ interest and love for math.

Developing number sense in early childhood with MathSkills4Kids videos: up to 5

MathSkills4Kids videos are an excellent resource for parents, teachers, and caregivers who want to support their children's math development in a fun and effective way. The videos can be used as standalone activities or supplement other math curricula.

The videos can also be accessed on any device with an internet connection, making them convenient and flexible for different settings and schedules.

  • Grade Level: Pre-K | Kindergarten

    Duration: 20 - 30 minutes

    Objectives: By the end of this lesson, children will be able to:

    • Identify and write numbers from 1 to 5
    • Recognize the names and symbols of numbers up to 5
    • Match numbers with the correct amount of objects
    • Pick out numbers from a group of different symbols
  • Previous knowledge:

    Your pre-k or kindergarteners should already know how to:

    • Count objects up to 5
    • Say the names of numbers up to 5


    • A device with internet access and speakers or headphones
    • Paper and crayons or markers
    • Number cards or flashcards with numbers up to 5
    • Small objects like buttons, coins, or beads



    • Introduce number recognition up to 5 lesson

      • Tell the students they will learn to recognize numbers up to 5 today.
      • Ask them what they already know about numbers. For example, what are some things that they can count with numbers? How do they say the names of numbers? How do they write the symbols of numbers?
      • Show them examples of numbers up to 5 on the board or paper. Ask them to name the numbers and point out their symbols.
      • Tell them they will watch a video to teach more about numbers up to 5.
    • Warm-up

      • Play the video from mathskills4kids.com (https://youtu.be/n_Fl1Jmc7wk) for the students. Pause the video when there are questions and ask the students to answer them. For example, pause the video when it says "Pick every three" and ask the students to point out all the threes on the screen.
      • After the video, review the main points with the students. For example, ask them the names and symbols of numbers up to 5. Ask them how they can match numbers with objects. Ask them how to pick out numbers from a group of symbols.
    • Introduce 'recognizing numbers from 1 to 5' concept

      • Tell the students that they will practice identifying numbers up to 5 with some activities.
      • Divide the students into pairs or small groups. Give each pair or group some paper and crayons or markers.
      • Ask them to draw five different objects on their paper. For example, they can draw five apples, five stars, five flowers, etc.
      • Then, ask them to write the number that matches their objects under each object. For example, if they drew five apples, they should write "5" under each.
      • Have them show you or another pair or group their work and check if they wrote the correct numbers.
    • Practice number recognition up to 5

      • Give each pair or group some number cards or flashcards with numbers up to 5. Shuffle the cards and place them face down on a table or the floor.
      • Ask them to take turns picking a card and saying the name of the number on it. If they say it correctly, they keep the card. If they say it incorrectly, they put it back.
      • The goal is to collect all five cards with different numbers.
      • If they finish before time ends, they can mix their cards with another pair or group and play again.
    • Group Sharing

      • Have each pair or group share what they learned from the activity. For example, ask them what was easy or hard about identifying numbers. Ask them what strategies they used to remember the names and symbols of numbers. Ask them what they liked or disliked about the activity.
    • Conclusion

      • Congratulate the students for learning how to identify numbers up to 5.
      • Review the main points of the lesson with them. For example, ask them to name and show the symbols of numbers up to 5. Ask them to match numbers with objects. Ask them to pick out numbers from a group of different symbols.
      • Tell them that identifying numbers is an essential skill they will use in many situations in life.


✨ Assessment

  • Give each student a worksheet with questions that test their ability to identify numbers up to 5. For example, ask them to circle all the fives in a row of different symbols. Ask them to draw four objects and write "1 to 4" under each object. Ask them to match numbers with pictures of objects.
  • Collect and grade their worksheets.

By watching MathSkills4Kids videos, children will learn about number sense and develop other skills such as attention, memory, logic, creativity, and problem-solving. MathSkills4Kids videos will help children build a positive attitude towards math and a lifelong love of learning.


🌈 Have fun teaching and learning about number recognition up to 5! Remember, you're doing an amazing job, teachers! 🎉 For more math videos and resources, visit our website at https://mathskills4kids.com/. 🌟


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