Counting shapes up to 3 - A lesson plan for Pre-K and K
Children discovering shapes and numbers 1-3 - FREEPIK -
This lesson plan for Pre-K and K is designed to help your students discover shapes and counting in a fun and creative way. Your little ones will learn how to count shapes up to 3 effectively using a video from
They’ll learn about circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles and how to identify them in everyday objects. They’ll also explore how to count the number of shapes with different activities and games, how to count shapes in a group, and how to compare groups of shapes by size and quantity.
Discovering shapes and counting with a creative lesson for pre-k and k
By the end of this lesson, your students will be able to recognize and name basic shapes, count shapes up to 3, and use mathematical language to describe their observations.
Grade Level: Pre-K | Kindergarten
Duration: 20-30 minutes
Objectives: By the end of this lesson, your kids will be able to:
- Identify and name different shapes
- Count shapes up to 3
- Compare the number of shapes in different groups
Previous knowledge:
Pre-kinders and kinders should already know how to:
- Recognize and name basic common shapes, such as circles, squares, triangles, stars, etc.
- Count objects up to 10
- A device with internet access to watch the video
- Paper and crayons or markers
- Shape cut-outs or stickers
- Dice
- Cards with numbers from 1 to 3
To start the lesson:
- Ask the children to name some shapes that they see around them. You can point to some objects in the classroom or show them some pictures of shapes.
- Ask them to draw some shapes on their paper using crayons or markers.
- Please encourage them to use different colors and sizes.
Introduce counting shapes 1-3 concept
Show kids the video from ( The video will teach them how to count shapes up to 3 using rectangles, circles, squares, and triangles.
Pause the video after each question and ask the children to answer it aloud. Repeat the answer with them and praise their efforts.
After watching the video, divide the children into small groups of 3 or 4. Give each group some shape cut-outs or stickers and a dice.
Ask them to take turns rolling the dice and picking a shape that matches the number on the dice. For example, if they roll a 2, they can pick a circle or a square. Then, ask them to stick or place the shape on their paper.
They can arrange the shapes in any way they like as long as they can see them. After each group has collected 12 shapes, ask them to count how many of each shape they have. For example, they might say, “We have 3 stars, 2 circles, 4 squares, and 3 triangles”. Then, ask them to compare their results with another group and see which group has more or less of each shape.
Group Sharing
At the end of the activity, ask each group to share their paper with the class. Ask them questions such as:
- How many shapes do you have in total?
- How many of each shape do you have?
- Which shape do you have the most? The least?
- Which group has more stars than you? Fewer circles than you?
Help them use words like more, less, equal, same, different, etc. to describe their findings.
To wrap up the lesson, review the main points with the children. Ask them to recall what they learned about counting shapes up to 3. You can use questions such as:
- What are some shapes that you learned today?
- How do you count shapes up to 3?
- Why is it important to count shapes?
✨ Assessment
To assess the children’s understanding of the lesson:
- Give them each a card with a number from 1 to 3.
- Ask them to draw many shapes on paper using any shape they like.
- Ask them to count and name their shapes aloud.
Check their answers and give feedback.
🌈 Have fun teaching and learning about counting shapes up to 3'! Remember, you're doing an amazing job, teachers! 🎉 For more math videos and resources, visit our website at 🌟
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