Multiplication methods worksheets PDF - How to multiply big numbers fast

Lattice method, Box or Grid and Standard algorithm

Grab our super fun multiplication methods worksheets PDF designed to help your kids discover how to multiply big numbers fast. In fact, this has been made possible using amazing tricks like the lattice method, box or grid and standard algorithm methods, which will be carefully illustrated in our worksheets.

Also, it is quite interesting to note our major objective, which is to ensure kid’s proficiency in multiplying every number, no matter how large it is using all the above multiplication methods.

By so doing, we have specially created multiplication exercises in their individual worksheets, solvable using all the methods, i.e.  Lattice, box and standard algorithm.



  • Lattice Multiplication methods worksheets PDF - Printable multiplication tests
  • Box method Multiplication methods worksheets PDF - Partial product multiplication worksheets
  • Standard Algorithm Multiplication methods worksheets PDF - multiplication printable tests

Which strategies have been used for kid’s mastery these multiplication methods? - Lattice method, Box and Standard algorithm

It is quite expected to enquire which strategies have been used for kid’s mastery these multiplication methods? - Lattice method, box and standard algorithm

But to assure you, you’ll be amazed at your kid’s quick grasp on solving multi digit multiplication exercises using all the above multiplication methods.

First of all, you’ll discover that for every worksheet, we have carefully solved the first question. This example is there to guide kids on smart multiplying the remaining exercises on that worksheet using a particular method.

Next, we have consistently moved from multiplying 3 by 2 digit numbers, to 4 by 3 and above. This strategy will greatly help kids avoid being confused as they master the methods progressively.

Thus, before you know it, they’ll not only develop greater confidence in multiplying big numbers, but will equally enjoy using these methods when solving.

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