Reading and writing numbers in figures and in words - How to Read and Write Numbers
Why is it important to read and write numbers in figures and words?
Reading and writing numbers in figures and words is an essential skill you need to learn in math. It helps you to communicate clearly and accurately with others, especially when dealing with large numbers or decimals.
For example, if you want to write a check or a contract, you must write the amount in figures and words to avoid confusion or fraud. If you want to read a report or a newspaper article, you need to understand what the numbers mean and how they are written.
Write whole numbers in figures, Roman numerals and words
If you asked youself how to read and write Numbers in figures and words, don't find further because you are in the right place. Our reading and writing numbers worksheets provides the best foundational math skill in kids. We've formulated very simple ways to help kids understand and correctly write whole numbers in figures, roman numerals and words.
Our outstanding exercises have been designed to increase kid's knowledge on the basis of fluency in numerical recognition, reading and writing.
As reading in general increases kid's vocabulary, it is no doubt that your young mathematicians will fluently learn number names vocabulary.
This set of worksheets is therefore a perfect tool to engage your young math learners in, so that they can have a progressive practice of reading and writing numbers in words, figures and roman numerals from smaller to larger digits.
The place value of digits in whole numbers
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Writing numbers in words up to millions
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One to thousands standard numbers to Roman numerals writing
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Standard numbers to Roman numerals matching
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The place value of digits in whole numbers
Write the corresponding roman numerals of given numbers
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Reading and writing decimals in words practice
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Decimal place values practice -
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Reading and writing numbers in figures and in words MCQs with answers
1. How do you write the number 7,654 in words?
A) Seven thousands six hundred fifty-four
B) Seven thousand six hundred and fifty-four
C) Seven thousand six hundreds four
D) Seven thousand and six hundred and four
Answer: B
2. How do you read the number 0.003 in words?
A) Three tenths
B) Three hundredths
C) Three thousandths
D) Three
Answer: C
3. How do you write the number one million two hundred thousand in figures?
A) 1,000,200
B) 1,020,000
C) 1,002,000
D) 1,200,000
Answer: D
4. How do you read the number 9,876,543,210 in words?
A) Nine billion eight hundred seventy-six million five hundred forty-three thousand two hundred ten
B) Nine billions eight hundred seventy-six million five hundred forty-three thousand two hundred and ten
C) Nine billion eight hundreds and seventy-six million five hundred and forty-three thousand two hundred and ten
D) Nine billion eight hundred and seventy-six million five hundreds and forty-three thousands two hundred ten
Answer: A
5. How do you write seven hundred and twenty-five thousandths in figures?
A) 725
B) 7.25
C) 72.5
D) 0.725
Answer: D
Roman numeral true and false exercises with answers ans explanations
Answer with True (T) or False (F).
- The symbol V can be repeated up to three times in a row. (T / F)
- The symbol M can be placed before D to mean subtraction. (T / F)
- The number 500 can be written as D or . (T / F)
- The number 4000 can be written as MMMM or . (T / F)
- The number 2020 can be written as MMXX or . (T / F)
- The symbol X can be placed before L or C to mean subtraction. (T / F)
- The symbol I can be placed before V or X to mean subtraction. (T / F)
- The number 47 can be written as XLVII or VLVII. (T / F)
- The number 49 can be written as IL or XLIX. (T / F)
- The number 1000 can be written as M or
- The number 2020 can be written as MMXX or . (T / F)
Answers of roman numeral true and false exercises:
- False. The symbol V can only be repeated once in a row.
- False. The symbol M can only be placed after D to mean addition.
- False. The number 500 can be written only as D. is an alternative way of writing large numbers using a horizontal line over a symbol to multiply it by 1000. So equals to 5000.
- True. The number 4000 can be written as MMMM or , which is another way of using the horizontal line over a symbol.
- False. The number 2020 can be written as MMXX (1000 + 1000 + 10 + 10), while
- The number 2020 can be written as MMXX or (20 x 1000) is equal to 20000.
- True. The symbol X can be placed before L or C to mean subtraction. For example, XL = 40 (50 - 10), XC = 90 (100 - 10).
- True. The symbol I can be placed before V or X to mean subtraction. For example, IV = 4 (5 - 1), IX = 9 (10 - 1).
- False. The number 47 can only be written as XLVII (10 - 50 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 40 + 7).
- False. The number 49 can only be written as XLIX, not IL, because you cannot subtract more than one order of magnitude from another (i.e., you cannot subtract hundreds from thousands, tens from hundreds, or ones from tens).
- True. The number 1000 can be written as M or , which is 1 x 1000.
How do you read and write numbers in figures and words?
There are different ways to read and write numbers in figures and words, depending on the number type and the place value system. Here are some general rules to follow:
- Figures are symbols that represent numbers, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Words are names that describe numbers, such as zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine.
- To read or write a whole number in figures or words, you need to know the names of the place values, such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, etc. You also need to know how to use commas and hyphens to separate the groups of digits or words.
- To read or write a decimal number in figures or words, you need to know the names of the decimal place values, such as tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc. You also need to know how to use a decimal point and a word like "and" or "point" to separate the whole part from the decimal part.
- To read or write a number in Roman numerals, you need to know the symbols that represent different values, such as I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), M (1000). You must also know how to combine or subtract the symbols to form different numbers.
Best efficient reading and writing numbers skill – read and write number words and symbols with place value
As you recall what place value is, you’ll understand that it is the best efficient reading and writing numbers skill for young mathematicians.
Consequently, the key for a child’s immediate understanding of this concept will therefore be based on his ability to read and write number words and symbols with place value.
As a result, parents should not hesitate to grab a hold of these remarkable contents and be proud to see their kids demonstrate an awesome understanding of reading and writing whole numbers in words, figures and roman numerals.