Grade 6 write numbers in figures from words worksheets
One of the skills that students need to master in grade 6 math is writing whole numbers in figures from words. These Grade 6 Write numbers in figures from words worksheets are given to help them to understand the place value system and to compare and order numbers. It also prepares them for working with decimals and fractions in later skills.
Writing whole numbers in figures from words worksheets are a great way to practice this skill and reinforce the concepts learned in class. These worksheets provide a variety of exercises that challenge students to write numbers in standard form and word form.
To download these worksheets for free, visit our website and browse through our collection of grade 6 math worksheets for more practice on whole numbers. You will find many other topics and skills that you can use to supplement your math curriculum and enhance your students' learning. We hope you enjoy using these worksheets and find them useful for your teaching needs.
- Whole numbers
- Multiplication
- Division
- Exponents and square roots
- Number theory
- Decimals
- Add & subtract decimals
- Multiply & divide decimals
- Fractions & mixed numbers
- Add & subtract fractions
- Multiply fractions
- Divide fractions
- Integers
- Operations with integers
- Mixed operations
- Rational numbers
- Problems solving
- Ratio & proportions
- Percentages
- Measuring units
- Money math
- Consumer math
- Telling time
- Coordinate graph
- Algebraic expressions
- One step equations
- Solve & graph inequalities
- Two-step equations
- 2D Geometry
- Symmetry & transformation
- 3D Shapes
- Geometry measurement
- Data and Graphs
- Statistics
- Probability
Grade 6 writing numbers in digits worksheets
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Grade 6 writing numbers in digits multiple choice questions (MCQs)
Choose the correct digits for one hundred and twenty-five.
A) 125
B) 105
C) 215
D) 205 -
Choose the correct digits for four thousand six hundred and seventy-nine.
A) 4069
B) 4679
C) 4769
D) 4697 -
Choose the correct digits for nine million eight hundred and seventy-six thousand five hundred and forty-three.
A) 9876543
B) 9876453
C) 9786543
D) 9768543 -
Choose the correct digits for seven hundred and eight.
A) 780
B) 870
C) 708
D) 807 -
Choose the correct digits for sixty-two thousand four hundred and fifty-one.
A) 62451
B) 64251
C) 62541
D) 64521
Choose the correct digits for three million two hundred and one thousand four hundred and eighty-seven.
A) 3201487
B) 3021487
C) 3210487
D) 3012487 -
Choose the correct digits for five hundred and ninety-four.
A) 549
B) 459
C) 594
D) 495 -
Choose the correct digits for eight thousand nine hundred twelve.
A) 8912
B) 8921
C) 8192
D) 8129 -
Choose the correct digits for two million five hundred and sixty-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight.
A) 2645738
B) 2546738
C) 2654738
D) 2564738 -
Choose the correct digits for nine hundred and eighty-seven.
A) 789
B) 897
C) 978
D) 987
MCQs answers:
1) Answer: A - 2) Answer: B - 3) Answer: A
4) Answer: C - 5) Answer: A - 6) Answer: A
7) Answer: C - 8) Answer: A - 9) Answer: D
10) Answer: D
Converting written whole numbers to digits true and false (T/F) questions for grade 6
Here are some true and false exercises for grade 6 students to practice converting written whole numbers to digits. Read each statement carefully and write T if it is true or F if it is false.
- The digit form of one hundred thousand is 100,000. (T/F)
- The digit form of three million four hundred fifty-two thousand one hundred seventy-eight is 3,452,178. (T/F)
- The digit form of seven hundred ninety-one million two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven is 791,234,567. (T/F)
- The digit form of nine billion eight hundred seventeen million five hundred forty-three thousand two hundred ten is 9,876,543,210. (T/F)
- The digit form of one hundred twenty-three billion four hundred fifty-six million seven hundred eighty-nine is 123,456,789,000. (T/F)
- The digit form of twelve thousand four hundred fifty-six is 12,456. (T/F)
- The digit form of five hundred sixty-seven million eight hundred ninety-one thousand is 567,890,100. (T/F)
- The digit form of four billion three hundred twenty-one million nine hundred eighty-seven thousand six hundred fifty-four is 4,321,897,654. (T/F)
- The digit form of three hundred forty-five billion six hundred seventy-eight million nine hundred one thousand two hundred thirty-four is 345,678,910,234. (T/F)
- The digit form of one million two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven is 1,342,567. (T/F)
1) (T) - 2) (T) - 3) (T) - 4) (F) - 5) (F) - 6) (T) - 7) (F) - 8) (F) - 9) (F) - 10) (F)
These Grade 6 Write numbers in figures from words worksheets are designed to help students practice writing whole numbers in figures from words in a fun and engaging way. They can be used as homework assignments, review activities, or assessment tools.