Free printable kindergarten worksheets for addition up to 5

Here are some fantastic free printable kindergarten worksheets for adding up to 5. These worksheets are perfect for helping your little ones learn the basic concept of adding two numbers together successfully.

  • Apart from practicing addition with Pictures/models, other stimulating strategies that will help kids grasp the addition sentence at their fingertips include adding with numbers, identifying addition sentences that give five, addition sentences with missing numbers, adding up to 5 Word Problems, etc.

    Let me show you what's inside!

    Explore addition concepts up to 5 - creative and educational worksheets for kinders

    Are you ready to have some fun with math? These worksheets will help your kids explore addition concepts up to 5 creatively and engagingly. These fun, creative, and educational worksheets are among the best resources to teach your kinders addition enjoyably.

They will learn different addition strategies, such as counting on, making ten, completing addition sentences, and using doubles to solve simple addition problems.

They will also practice writing and drawing equations, using number bonds, and finding missing addends. These worksheets are perfect for kinders who want to build their math skills and confidence.

    • What are parts of addition problem?

      Addition is when you combine two or more numbers to get a bigger number.

      For example, 5 + 4 = 9.

      kindergarten math - addition sentence parts

      In an addition problem, there are three main parts: the addends, the sum, and the plus sign.

      • The addends are the numbers that are being added together. In our example, 5 and 4 are the addends.
      • The sum is the result of adding the addends. In our example, 9 is the sum.
      • The plus sign is the symbol that shows that we are adding. In our example, + is the plus sign.

      So, to recap, an addition problem has three parts: addends + addends = sum.

      Can you think of some other addition problems?

    • Adding pictures or models worksheet

      The idea of kinders learning addition with pictures or models will enable them to see how quantities relate to each other. This essential addition strategy of combining two groups of objects will significantly enhance their mathematical and logical reasoning skills.

      It has a simple equation at the top, such as 2 + 3 = ?, and then two groups of pictures below, such as two apples and three bananas. The kids have to count how many objects there are in total and write the answer in the box.


      How do you make 5? - identifying addition sentences that give five

      The second worksheet focuses on the number 5 and how it can be made by adding two different numbers. It has several addition sentences such as 2 + 2 = ?, 4 + 3 = ?, and 3 + 2 = ?.

      The kids have to identify which addition sentences give five and circle them. Here, the right one is 3 + 2 = 5.

    • How do you make 5? - Identifying addition sentences that give five

      The second worksheet focuses on the number 5 and how it can be made by adding two different numbers. It has several addition sentences such as 2 + 2 = ?, 4 + 3 = ?, and 3 + 2 = ?.

      The kids have to identify which addition sentences give five and circle them. Here, the right one is 3 + 2 = 5.

    • Adding with numbers worksheet

      The third worksheet moves on from adding with pictures or models to adding with numbers only.

      It has several addition sentences up to 5, such as 1 + 4 = ?, 3 + 2 = ?, and 5 + 0 = ?. The kids have to write the answer in the box.

    • Addition sentence with missing number

      The fourth worksheet challenges the kids to find the missing number in an addition sentence up to 5. It has equations such as ? + 2 = 4, 3 + ? = 5, and ? + ? = 5.

      The kids have to figure out what number goes in the blank and write it in the box.

    • Addition up to 5 word problems

      The last worksheet applies addition up to 5 to real-life situations. It has word problems such as "Anna has two pencils. Ben gives her three more pencils. How many pencils does Anna have now?"

      The kids must read the word problem, draw a picture or model to help them solve it, and write the answer in a sentence. However, in solving addition word problems, kids will become familiar with addition keywords and vocabulary associated with the addition symbols.


      10 Addition word problems with sums up to 5

      1. Anna has 2 apples, and Ben has 3 apples. How many apples do they have in total? (Answer: 2 + 3 = 5 apples)
      2. There are 4 birds on a tree, and 1 bird joins them. How many birds are there on the tree? (Answer: 4 + 1 = 5 birds)
      3. Leo has 2 pencils. His elder brother Henry gives him 2 pencils. How many pencils does Leo have now? (Answer: 2 + 2 = 2 pencils)
      4. Lily has 1 flower, and she picks 2 more flowers from the garden. How many flowers does she have now? (Answer: 1 + 2 = 3 flowers)
      5. Max has 1 cookie, and he receives 2 cookies from his father. How many cookies does he have now? (Answer: 1 + 2 = 3 cookies)
      6. Sara has 2 books, and she borrows 1 book from the library. How many books does she have now? (Answer: 2 + 1 = 3 books)
      7. Tom has 2 stickers. He finds 3 stickers in his favorite packet of ships. How many stickers does Tom have now? (Answer: 2 + 3 = 5 stickers)
      8. Ella has 1 doll and gets 2 more dolls for her birthday. How many dolls does she have now? (Answer: 1 + 2 = 3 dolls)
      9. Ryan has 3 cars, and he buys 1 car more car. How many cars does Ryan have now? (Answer: 3 + 1 = 4 cars)
      10. Zoe has 2 candies. Her friend Amy gives her 2 more candies. How many candies does she have now? (Answer: 2 + 2 = 4 candies)

    Avoid math anxiety and Gain early math confidence

    It is of vital importance that we continue to enhance the idea of number sense in kinders. With an innate idea already of what numbers mean, kids can fill anxious. As they engage in our inspirational free addition worksheets for kinders, they will avoid math anxiety and gain early math confidence.

    One way of gaining kids love and confidence in our addition up to 5 activities is by formulating simple exercises with models, so that they can easily understand the basic technique of addition.

    One of such basic techniques is representing the number of addends with visual objects. This will greatly help kids to easily add up by counting all the objects together, then obtain the correct answer.

    Also, another technique used in our addition up to 5 worksheets is by formulating an addition sentence with one missing addend.

    Example: in each case, fill in the missing numbers

    Addition - extremely simple – all about counting, counting and counting numbers or objects. Hey, let’s take a look at this one.

    in each case, fill in the missing numbers.

    kindergarten math - addition sentence with missing number - dash plus 2 equal 5

    Ok. Let’s first of all take a look at the sentence. Hmmm! Only the sum and one addend is available in the addition sentence. One addend is missing, so the following guides will help us fill in that missing number.

      1. Firstly, we move straight to the sum, and represent its number with objects.

      The sum number is 5, so let’s go    →

      kindergarten math - addition sentence explanation - represent the sum

      1. Secondly, given that the number of the one present addend is 2, we move over to our 5 objects, then count and cross out 2 objects from there. Let’s go  →

      kindergarten math - addition sentence explanation - subtract 2

      1. Good! We can now count the remaining objects that have not been crossed out. The uncrossed objects will become our missing addend. Let’s count →

      kindergarten math - addition sentence explanation - count the rest 1 2 3

      1. Finally, having in mind that our last counted number names the number of all the objects, then there are 3 objects. Therefore, our missing addend or number is 3
      2. We can now fill in our missing number: 3
      3. So we have, 3 + 2 = 5

    Wow! This is so wonderful. It’s very easy.


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We hope you enjoy these free printable kindergarten worksheets for adding up to 5. They are great for practicing math skills at home or in school. You can download them from the link below.

Happy adding!

Useful links

25 Awesome Addition Activities That All Add Up to Fun | :

15 Addition Activities For Fun And Effective Learning | Prodigy Education :

  • Math Skills For Kids - 100% Free Resources For Math Practice - Math Worksheets, Games And Printable