Subtraction worksheets for 1st graders with number lines and objects

Hello, and welcome to another fun resource about math education for young learners! Today we'll discuss subtraction, one of the most fundamental skills for 1st graders. Here, we will show you how to use number lines and objects to teach subtraction in a fun and engaging way. We will also share some free printable subtraction worksheets for 1st graders that you can use for practice and review with your child.

Subtraction is the process of taking away one quantity from another, and it helps children develop their number sense, logical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

  • With this definition in mind, let's kick start with solving subtraction problems using fun tips and tricks that will help your child master subtraction with confidence and ease!

    Why subtraction is important for 1st graders

    As one of the basic math operations, subtraction is important to 1st graders for many reasons.

    First, it is the opposite of addition, which means taking away some amount from another amount. For example, 5 - 2 = 3 means taking away 2 from 5 and getting 3 as the answer.

    Secondly, it helps your child develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills. It also helps them learn how to compare quantities and measure differences.

    Above all, subtraction is helpful for everyday situations, such as counting money, sharing items, or finding out how much is left.

    • How to use number lines to teach subtraction

      A number line is a visual representation of numbers on a line. It can help your child see how subtraction works by showing them how to move along the line from one number to another. For example;

      To subtract 3 from 7, your child can start at 7 and move 3 steps to the left on the number line, ending at 4.

      To use number lines to teach subtraction, you can follow these steps:

      • Draw a number line on a piece of paper or use a printable one. Ensure it has enough numbers for the subtraction problems you want to practice.
      • Write a subtraction problem below the number line, such as 7 - 3 = __.
      • Ask your child to find the first number (the minuend) on the number line and mark it with a dot or a circle.
      • Ask your child to count how many steps they need to move to the left on the number line to find the second number (the subtrahend). For example, if the subtrahend is 3, they must move 3 steps to the left.
      • Ask your child to mark the final number (the difference) on the number line with another dot or circle.
      • Ask your child to write the answer in the blank space of the subtraction problem.


      You can repeat this process with different subtraction problems until your child feels confident using number lines.

    • Fun and engaging subtraction activities with objects

      Another way to teach subtraction is by using fun and engaging activities with objects your child can manipulate and count. This can help your child see how subtraction works concretely. For example, you can use toys, blocks, buttons, coins, or anything your child likes.

      To use objects to teach subtraction, you can follow these steps:

      • Gather some objects you want to use and place them on a table or a tray.
      • Write a subtraction problem on paper or a card, such as 6 - 4 = __.
      • Ask your child to take the same number of objects as the first number (the minuend) and arrange them in a row or a group. For example, if the minuend is 6, they must take 6 objects.
      • Ask your child to remove the same number of objects as the second number (the subtrahend) from the row or group. For example, if the subtrahend is 4, they must take away 4 objects.
      • Ask your child to count how many objects are left in the row or group (the difference) and write the answer in the blank space of the subtraction problem.


      Repeat this process with different subtraction problems until your child feels confident using objects.

    • Free printable subtraction worksheets for practice and review

      If you want more practice and review for your child, you can use our free printable subtraction worksheets for 1st graders that you can download and print for free. These worksheets are designed to help your students practice and review subtraction skills using number lines and objects.

      Subtracting with models

      One of the easiest ways to teach subtraction is by using models or objects. Models can be anything your students can count and manipulate, such as blocks, cubes, counters, beads, etc. You can also use pictures or drawings of objects to represent them.

      Using models helps your students visualize the subtraction process and see how the quantity changes when something is taken away. For example, if you have 5 apples and you take away 2 apples, you can show your students how to use models to solve the problem:

      5 - 2 = ?

      You can use 5 apple models (or pictures) and take away 2 of them. Then you can ask your students to count how many apples are left. The answer is 3.

      5 - 2 = 3

      You can use this worksheet to practice subtracting with models. It has 10 problems that your students need to solve by using models. They must draw or cross out the models to show the subtraction and write the answer in the box.

      Make numbers with subtraction

      Another way to teach subtraction is by using the concept of making numbers with subtraction. This means finding two numbers that, when subtracted, give a certain number. For example, if you want to make 4 with subtraction, you can use these pairs of numbers:

      5 - 1 = 4  ;  6 - 2 = 4  ;  7 - 3 = 4  ;  8 - 4 = 4  ;  9 - 5 = 4  ;  10 - 6 = 4

      You can use this worksheet to practice making numbers with subtraction. It has 10 problems that your students need to solve by finding two numbers that when subtracted, give the given number. They need to write the subtraction sentence in the box.

      Subtraction sentences with number line

      A number line is a valuable tool for teaching subtraction sentences as well. A number line is a line that shows numbers in order from smallest to largest. You can use a number line to show how to subtract by moving from one number to another.

      To subtract on a number line, you start from the first number (the minuend) and move left by the second number (the subtrahend). The number where you stop is the answer (the difference). For example, if you want to subtract 3 from 7 on a number line, you do this:

      7 - 3 = ?

      You start from 7 and move left by 3 units. You stop at 4. The answer is 4.

      7 - 3 = 4

      You can use this worksheet to practice writing subtraction sentences with a number line. It has 10 problems that your students need to solve by using a number line. They must write the subtraction sentence matching the movement on the number line.

      Turn words into subtraction sentences

      The last skill your students need to learn is how to turn words into subtraction sentences. This means reading a word problem that involves subtraction and writing a subtraction sentence that represents it.

      For example, if you read this word problem:

      Anna has 8 candies. She gives 3 candies to her friend. How many candies does Anna have left?

      You can write this subtraction sentence:

      8 - 3 = ?

      The answer is 5.

      8 - 3 = 5


      You can use this worksheet to practice turning words into subtraction sentences. It has 10 problems that your students need to solve by reading the word problem and writing the subtraction sentence in the box.

    • Tips and tricks to help your child master subtraction

      Here are some tips and tricks that can help your child master subtraction:

      • Make sure your child understands what subtraction means and why it is important. You can explain it in simple terms and give examples from everyday life.
      • Start with simple subtraction facts using pictures or number lines before moving on to more challenging ones using objects or columns.
      • Use different methods and strategies to teach subtraction, such as counting back, counting up, using number bonds, or using fact families.
      • Make subtraction fun and engaging by using games, puzzles, songs, stories, or crafts.
      • Praise your child's efforts and achievements and encourage them to keep practicing.

    Three exciting ways to explore subtraction with pictures in grade 1

    Here are three exciting ways to explore subtraction with pictures in grade 1 that will make your students love math!

    1. Subtraction Bingo: This is a great game to practice subtraction facts up to 10. You will need some bingo cards with subtraction problems on them, and some counters or chips. You can find some free printable bingo cards here: To play, give each student a bingo card and some counters. Then call out a number from 0 to 10. The students have to find a subtraction problem on their card that has that number as the answer and cover it with a counter. The first student to cover five problems in a row, column or diagonal wins!
    2. Subtraction Puzzles: This is another fun way to practice subtraction facts up to 20. You will need some puzzles with subtraction problems and pictures on them. You can find some free printable puzzles here: To play, cut out the puzzles and mix up the pieces. Then give each student a set of pieces and ask them to match the subtraction problem with the picture that shows the answer. For example, if the problem is 15 - 7, they have to find the picture that shows 8 apples.
    3. Subtraction Stories: This is a creative way to explore subtraction with pictures and words. You will need some paper and crayons or markers. To play, ask each student to draw a picture of something they like, such as animals, toys, food, etc. Then ask them to write a subtraction story using their picture. For example, if they drew four cats and two dogs, they could write: "I have four cats and two dogs. Two cats ran away. How many cats do I have now? 4 - 2 = 2. I have two cats left." Encourage them to use different numbers and situations for their stories. You can find some engaging example here First, then, now (subtraction) - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize.


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    We hope you found this article helpful and informative. We hope you enjoy using our subtraction worksheets for 1st graders with number lines and objects.


    Happy subtracting!

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