How to Teach Position's Vocabulary: Above and Below | Lesson Plan
The bird is flying above the bench. The cat is sitting below the bench - By BING -
Position words are essential for developing children's spatial awareness and math skills. They help them describe where things are in relation to other things, such as above, below, left, right, middle, etc. In this lesson plan, you will use a video from our mathskills4kids YouTube Channel to introduce the concept of above and below and then practice it with various activities and games.
Your students will learn how to use the above and below words to talk about the position of objects in different pictures and how to answer questions like "Which picture shows the object above the table?"
What are the advantages of following the above and below positions lesson plan?
The advantages of following this lesson plan for kids are:
- It uses various methods to teach the concept, such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and verbal.
- It incorporates music, movement, and creativity to make the learning fun and memorable.
- It provides opportunities for differentiation, assessment, and feedback to meet the needs of different learners.
- It aligns with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics for Kindergarten.
Grade Level: Pre-K | Kindergarten
Duration: 20 - 30 minutes
Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Identify and use the words above and below to describe the position of objects in pictures.
- Compare and contrast the position of objects using above and below.
- Answer questions about the position of objects using above and below.
Previous knowledge
Before attending this lesson, students should know how to:
- Recognize and name everyday objects in their environment.
- Follow simple directions and listen attentively.
- Work cooperatively with others in a group.
For this lesson, you will need:
- A computer or a projector to show the video from
- A speaker or headphones to play the audio from the video
- A whiteboard or a chart paper to write down the words above and below
- Markers or crayons to write or draw on the board or paper
- A set of picture cards with objects in different positions
- A set of index cards with the words above and below written on them
- A basket or a box to hold the cards
- A ball or a stuffed animal to toss around
- A large sheet of paper or a poster board to make a collage
- Magazines, newspapers, scissors, glue, and stickers to make the collage
Introduce the above and below lesson
To introduce the lesson, you can do the following:
- Greet your students and tell them that they will learn new words today to help them talk about where things are.
- Ask them if they know what position means. Explain that position is where something is in relation to something else. For example, you can say that you are sitting in front of your desk or that your desk is behind you.
- Ask them if they can think of some words that describe positions. Write down their responses on the board or paper. If they don't mention the above and below positions, add them to the list.
- Tell them that today, they will focus on two words that describe position: above and below. Ask them if they know what these words mean. Give them some examples using objects in the classroom. For example, you can say that the clock is above the door or the trash can is below the window.
- Show them the video from ( to see pictures and practice to understand what above and below mean. The video is about 4 minutes long, and the narrator repeats the words several times. You can pause the video at specific points to ask questions or check for understanding.
To warm up your students for the lesson, you can do the following:
- Review the words above and below with your students. Ask them to point to something that is above something else in the classroom and below something else. Repeat this several times with different objects.
- Play a "Simon Says" game with your students using above and below. For example, you can say, "Simon says touch something above your head," or "Simon says put your hands below your knees." If you don't say, "Simon says," they should not do it. If they do it anyway, they are out of the game. The last one standing wins.
- Play a "Hot Potato" game with your students using above and below. Please give them a ball or a stuffed animal to toss around while you play some music. When you stop the music, whoever has the ball or animal has to say something above or below something else in the classroom. For example, they can say, "The ball is above my head" or "The animal is below the table." They are out of the game if they can't think of anything. The last one standing wins.
Introducing the concept of above and below
To introduce the concept of above and below to your students, you can do the following:
- Show them the picture cards with objects in different positions. Ask them to identify the objects and their positions using above and below. For example, you can show them a picture of a cat above a dog and ask them, "What do you see in this picture?" They should say, "I see a cat above a dog," or “I see a dog below a cat.”
- Give each student an index card with either above or below written on it. Ask them to find a partner who has the opposite word. Then, ask them to stand up and hold their cards above or below their heads, depending on what their card says. Ask them to look around and see who else has the same word as them and who has the opposite word. Then, ask them to switch cards with their partner and repeat the process.
- Give each student a picture card and ask them to glue it on a large paper or a poster board. Then, ask them to cut two pictures from the magazine or newspaper and glue them on the paper. After that, they separate the two pictures by drawing a line or an object using a marker or a felt. Now, let them say a sentence using the above or below words to describe the position of their object in relation to another object on the paper or board. For example, they can say, "The apple is above the banana" or "The flower is below the sun." Please encourage them to use different colors and stickers to decorate their pictures.
Activities and games
To practice the concept of above and below with your students, you can do the following:
- Divide your students into small groups and give each group a set of picture cards. Ask them to sort the cards into two piles: one for pictures that show something above something else and one for pictures that show something below something else. Then, ask them to count how many cards they have in each pile and write down the numbers on a piece of paper. Ask them to compare their numbers with other groups and see which group has the most cards for each category.
- Play an "I Spy" game with your students using above and below. Ask one student to secretly choose an object in the classroom and say, "I spy with my little eye something that is above (or below) something else.” The other students must guess what it is by asking yes or no questions. For example, they can ask, "Is it above (or below) the door?" or "Is it above (or below) something green?" The student who guesses correctly gets to choose the next object.
- Play a "Memory" game with your students using above and below. Make pairs of picture cards that show the same object in different positions using above and below. For example, you can make a pair of cards that show a bird above a tree and a bird below a cloud. Shuffle the cards and place them face down on a table or floor. Ask your students to take turns flipping over two cards at a time and try to find a matching pair. If they find a match, they must say what they see using the above and below words. For example, they can say, "I found a match! I see a bird above a tree and a bird below a cloud". They must flip the cards back over if they don't find a match. The student who finds the most pairs wins.
Group Sharing
To share what they have learned with their peers, you can do the following:
- Ask your students to show their collages that they made earlier and describe them aloud using the above and below words. Praise their work and ask them questions about their choices. For example, you can ask, "Why did you choose this object?" or "How did you decide where to put it?"
- Ask your students to form pairs or small groups and quiz each other on the concept of above and below using their picture cards or index cards. They can take turns asking and answering questions like "Which picture shows something above something else?" or "What word do you need to use to describe this position?" Give them feedback and correct any mistakes.
- Ask your students to share examples of how they use above and below in their daily lives outside school. For example, they can say, "I put my books above my desk," or "I sleep below my blanket." Please encourage them to use gestures or drawings to illustrate their examples.
To conclude the lesson, you can do the following:
- Review the main points of the lesson with your students. Ask them what they learned today about position words, especially above and below. Ask them to give some examples using objects in the classroom or on their collages.
- Thank your students for their participation and hard work. Tell them they did a great job learning about the above and below positions.
✨ Assessment
You can use various methods to assess the students' understanding of the concept. For example, you can:
- Give them a worksheet with pictures and questions that require them to use the words above and below.
- Ask them to draw their own pictures and label them with the words above and below.
- Have them work in pairs or groups and create a story or a scene using the words above and below.
- Use an online quiz or game that tests their knowledge of the words above and below.
You can also use informal observations and feedback throughout the lesson to monitor their progress and provide support.
🌈 Have fun teaching and learning about the positions above and below! Remember, you're doing an amazing job, teachers! 🎉 For more math videos and resources, visit our website at 🌟
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