Fewer and More: Comparing quantities - Which group has Fewer?
Count and show the group which has fewer
We use fewer to emphasize on a small number of something, when compared with another. Fewer and more: comparing quantities is simply an excellent strategy for kids to have a good knowledge of measurement skills at an early age. The necessity for kids to know and have a perfect knowledge of comparing quantities go a long way as it helps kids easily quantify objects around them and in their daily lives. In this our amazing Preschool math fun practice, having completed the exercise which group has fewer? Kids will be best at estimating a reasonable amount of object, using the concept fewer.
As a component of math, fewer and more: comparing quantities provide an awesome atmosphere for the use of number skills and the relationship of objects to each other. That being the case, we have formulated attractive sets of objects for kids to count and show the group which has fewer.

- More
- Fewer and More
Example - which group has fewer?
This quantifying math fun practice of which group has fewer is so delightful and easy. You do not need to stress here. Just a one glance of the two attractive sets will entice you to immediately determine the one with fewer objects.

Our first exercise is made up of two sets of drums. With a one glance, you'll observe that the first set has a large number of drums, while the second set has a small number of drums.
Therefore, the second set or the set with a small number of drums is termed fewer
Which group has fewer?
The second set of objects (drums)
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