Printable 6th Grade math worksheets: Division of whole numbers

Can your 6th graders solve division activities in just a few steps? If not, stay engaged in this article; let me tell you everything you need to know about the importance and strategies for solving division of whole numbers in Grade 6. In, you can access thousands of printable 6th Grade math worksheets on division perfect for classroom and home use. So, get ready to download them now and start practicing with your kids.

  • From Confusion to Confidence: How 6th Grade division of whole numbers worksheets can help students excel in math

    Do your Grade 6 students still find division problems very challenging to solve? Do you want to transform their mindset from confusion into confidence? You are just at the right place!

    Division is among the most challenging math topics for many 6th grade students. It requires a solid understanding of place value, multiplication, fractions, and decimals. Many students need help dividing large numbers, especially when remainders or zeros are involved. Some students may also need more knowledge of division facts or algorithms. With all these in mind, this article aims to provide a perfect balance of learning and fun, helping you realize how 6th Grade division of whole numbers worksheets can help students excel in math.

However, division is also one of the most crucial math skills for 6th-grade students to master. It is essential for solving real-world problems involving ratios, proportions, percentages, and rates. It also lays the foundation for more advanced math topics such as algebra, geometry, and statistics. So with a firm grasp of division, students may improve their math learning and gain confidence in their abilities.


So, let's dive in and discover how these worksheets can empower students to become math superstars.

    • Overview of 6th-grade division of whole numbers worksheets

      6th Grade division of whole numbers worksheets are designed to help students practice dividing multi-digit numbers by one-digit or two-digit divisors. They also include problems that involve remainders, zeros, estimation, and word problems. The worksheets are aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.B.2) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards for Grades 6-8.


      In, we have organized these worksheets into different categories based on the type and level of difficulty of the problems. For example, some categories are:

      • Division by one-digit divisors
      • Division by two-digit divisors
      • Division with remainders
      • Division with zeros
      • Division word problems
      • Division estimation
      • Division challenge problems


      Also, these worksheets have different features to make them more engaging and helpful for students. Some features are:

      • Fun themes and graphics
      • Colorful and attractive layouts
      • Answer keys and solutions
      • Hints and tips
      • Error analysis and correction


      The worksheets are in PDF format and can be easily downloaded, printed, or shared online. They can be used for homework, classwork, assessment, review, or enrichment.

    • Benefits of using worksheets for division practice

      One of the main benefits of using worksheets for division practice is that they provide students with immediate feedback and reinforcement. Worksheets allow students to check their answers and correct their mistakes as they go along, which helps them build confidence and accuracy in their division skills. Worksheets also help students develop fluency and speed in division, which is essential for solving more complex problems involving fractions, decimals, ratios, and proportions.


      Another benefit of using worksheets for division practice is that they offer a variety of formats and levels of difficulty to suit different learning needs and preferences. Worksheets can include different division problems, such as short division, long division, division with remainders, division with decimals, and word problems.

      Worksheets can also vary in the number and size of the digits involved, the degree of scaffolding provided, and the amount of space given for working out the solutions. Worksheets can be tailored to match the curriculum standards and objectives of each grade level and topic.

    • How to effectively use division worksheets in the classroom

      Worksheets can be a powerful tool for teaching and learning division, but they must be used effectively to maximize their potential. Here are some tips on how to use division worksheets in the classroom:

      • Use worksheets as a supplement, not a substitute, for instruction. Worksheets should not replace direct instruction, modeling, guided practice, or collaborative learning. Worksheets should be used to reinforce and extend what students have learned through other methods and activities.
      • Use worksheets as a form of assessment, not a form of drill. Worksheets should not be used to drill students on memorizing facts or procedures. Worksheets should be used to assess students' understanding, application, and problem-solving skills. Worksheets should also provide feedback and opportunities for reflection and improvement.
      • Use worksheets as a source of differentiation, not a source of frustration. Worksheets should not be used to assign the same work to all students regardless of their readiness or ability. Worksheets should be used to differentiate instruction and practice according to each student's level of mastery, learning style, interest, and goal. Worksheets should also be adjusted based on the results of formative assessments and student feedback.
    • Tips for parents to support their child's division learning at home

      As a parent, you may wonder how you can help your child improve their division skills and confidence at home. Here are some tips to make division learning fun and effective for your 6th grader:

      • Review the basics of division with your child. Ensure they understand what division means, how to write and read division expressions and equations, and how to check their answers using multiplication.
      • Encourage your child to use the 6th-grade division of whole numbers worksheets as a daily practice. You can print or access the worksheets online and have your child complete one or two pages daily. You can also use the answer keys to check their work and give feedback.
      • Make division relevant to real-life situations. You can use everyday examples to show your child how division is used in different contexts, such as sharing, measuring, grouping, or comparing. For instance, you can ask your child to divide a pizza into equal slices or to calculate how many hours they need to read a book.
      • Play games that involve division. You can use cards, dice, dominoes, or other objects to create division problems and challenges for your child. You can also use online games and apps that are designed to help students practice division skills in a fun way.
      • Praise your child's efforts and achievements. Division can be a complex topic for many students, so it is essential to acknowledge your child's progress and celebrate their successes. You can also reward your child with stickers, certificates, or other incentives for correctly completing the worksheets or solving problems.
    • Common misconceptions and mistakes in division of whole numbers

      Division of whole numbers can be tricky for some students, especially when encountering larger or more complex problems. Here are some common misconceptions and mistakes that students may have or make when learning division and how to avoid them:

      • Misconception: Division is the opposite of multiplication. This is not true because division is not a reversible operation. For example, 12 ÷ 4 = 3, but 3 x 4 ≠ 12. Instead, division is the inverse of multiplication, meaning they undo each other. For example, 12 ÷ 4 = 3, and 3 x 4 = 12.
      • Mistake: Forgetting to write the remainder. When dividing whole numbers that are not evenly divisible, there will be a remainder left over after dividing. For example, 13 ÷ 4 = 3 R 1. Some students may forget to write the remainder or miswrite it. Students should always check their answers using multiplication and subtraction to avoid this mistake. For example, 13 ÷ 4 = 3 R 1, so 3 x 4 + 1 = 13.
      • Mistake: Dividing in the wrong order. Students should follow the standard dividing algorithm from left to right when dividing two-digit or larger numbers. For example, to divide 84 by 6, students should start by dividing the tens digit (8) by 6, then bring down the ones digit (4) and divide it by 6. The answer is 14. Some students may divide in the wrong order or skip steps in the algorithm. To avoid this mistake, students should write each step clearly and use place value blocks or grids to help them visualize the process.

    Additional resources and activities to enhance division skills

    If you are looking for more ways to help your child practice and improve their division skills, here are some additional resources and activities that you can use:

    • Division flashcards: These cards have division facts on one side and answers on the other. You can use them to quiz your child on their recall of basic division facts or to create more challenging problems by combining two or more cards.
    • Division word problems: These are problems that require students to apply their division skills to real-world situations. You can find many examples of division word problems online or create your own based on your child's interests and hobbies.
    • Division puzzles: These are puzzles that involve finding missing numbers or symbols in a division equation or expression. You can find many division puzzles online or create your own using a grid or a table.
    • Division worksheets: These worksheets provide more practice on different aspects of division of whole numbers, such as long division, remainders, estimating quotients, dividing by multiples of 10, etc. You can find many free printable worksheets online or use an online worksheet generator to customize your own.

    Here are some links:



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Division of whole numbers is an essential skill for 6th grade students, as it prepares them for more advanced topics in math and other subjects. Apart from worksheets, you can use other 6th-grade division of whole numbers worksheets, resources, and activities mentioned in this article to help your child master division and gain confidence in their math abilities.

Remember to make division learning fun, relevant, and rewarding for your child, and to support them along the way. With practice and perseverance, your child can excel in division and beyond!

  • Math Skills For Kids - 100% Free Resources For Math Practice - Math Worksheets, Games And Printable