Printable division worksheets for 3rd Grade math for teachers & parents

Do you wish to help your Grade 3 students further with their division skills and prepare them for more advanced math topics? If yes, then worry less. In this article, we have designed many printable division worksheets for 3rd Grade math so that teachers & parents can download and teach kids all they need to know about division.

However, this article introduces us to, an amazing website that makes the division teaching and learning scenario interactive and enjoyable for teachers and learners. In line with this, we have created some tips and tricks to make division fun and easy and free printable division worksheets for 3rd Grade math for teachers & parents to master different skills and topics.

In addition, we will share some of the benefits of using division worksheets in your classroom or at home, choosing the right difficulty level for your students, and more resources with fun activities for 3rd Grade math.

Let's dive in!

  • Why division worksheets are great for 3rd Grade math

    Apart from helping kids practice their division skills constantly, there are many other reasons why division worksheets are great for 3rd Grade math. Nevertheless, let’s first understand what division is.

    Division is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic, along with addition, subtraction, and multiplication. It is the inverse of multiplication, meaning it undoes what multiplication does. For example, if 4 x 5 = 20, then 20 / 5 = 4 and 20 / 4 = 5.

    Division is a crucial skill for 3rd-grade math students, as it helps them develop their number sense, problem-solving, and reasoning abilities. It also lays the foundation for more complex math concepts such as fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions, percentages, and algebra.

    As we said earlier, using our printable division worksheets for 3rd Grade math for teachers & parents is a great way to practice and reinforce this skill in a structured and systematic way. These division worksheets can help students:

  • Review and recall the basic facts of division (such as 6 / 2 = 3 or 24 / 8 = 3)
  • Learn and apply different strategies and methods of division (such as repeated subtraction, skip counting, grouping, or long division)
  • Understand the relationship between division and other operations (such as multiplication, addition, or subtraction)
  • Explore different properties and patterns of division (such as the distributive property or the divisibility rules)
  • Solve different types of division problems (such as word problems, input/output problems, or missing factor problems)
  • Practice dividing different types of numbers (such as whole numbers, decimals, fractions, or mixed numbers)
  • Develop their accuracy, fluency, and confidence in division
    • How to choose the right level of difficulty for your students

      One of the challenges of teaching division is finding the right level of difficulty for your students. You don't want to make it too easy or hard for them. You want to challenge them enough to keep them interested and motivated but not so much that they get frustrated and give up.

      The best way to choose the right level of difficulty for your students is to assess their prior knowledge and skills in division. You can use informal assessments such as observations, discussions, quizzes, or games to discover what they already know and need to learn. You can also use formal assessments such as standardized tests or curriculum-based measures to determine their grade level expectations and benchmarks.

      You can select the appropriate division worksheets for your students based on your assessment results. You can differentiate your instruction by providing worksheets for different groups or individuals based on their needs and abilities. You can also scaffold your instruction by gradually increasing the difficulty level of the worksheets as your students progress.

    • Tips and tricks to make division fun and easy

      Division can be a challenging topic for 3rd-grade math students, but it doesn't have to be boring or frustrating. Here are some tips and tricks to make division fun and easy for your students:

      • Use manipulatives: Manipulatives are physical objects that can help students visualize and understand mathematical concepts. For example, you can use counters, blocks, beads, coins, or even candy to show how to divide a group of items into equal parts.

      You can also use arrays, which are arrangements of objects in rows and columns, to show how division is related to multiplication. For example, you can show that 12 ÷ 3 = 4 by arranging 12 counters in 3 rows of 4 or 4 columns of 3.

      • Use songs and rhymes: Songs and rhymes are great ways to help students memorize division facts and rules. For example, you can use the following song to the tune of "Frère Jacques" to help students remember how to divide by 10:

        Dividing by ten, dividing by ten
        Just move the dot, move the dot
        One place to the left, one place to the left
        That's all you've got; that’s all you've got


        You can also use rhymes like this one to help students remember how to check their division answers:

        If there's no remainder
        The answer is plain
        Just multiply the quotient
        By the divisor again


        If the product matche
        The dividend you see
        Then you know for sure
        Your answer is correct

      • Use games and puzzles: Games and puzzles are fun ways to practice division skills and challenge students' thinking. For example, you can use bingo cards with division problems and answers or play an “I have… Who has…?” game with division cards.

        You can also use puzzles like crosswords, word searches, or riddles that involve division facts or word problems. For example, you can use this riddle to make students think about division:

        I am a number that has two digits
        When you divide me by 10, I become odd
        When you divide me by 2, I become even
        What number am I?


        (Answer: 12)

    • Mathskills4kids free printable division worksheets for different skills and topics

      To help your students master different skills and topics related to division, has prepared some free printable division worksheets for 3rd Grade math for you. These worksheets cover various levels of difficulty and include different types of problems, such as:

      • Division patterns over increasing place values: These worksheets help students recognize and apply patterns when dividing numbers by powers of 10. For example, 300 ÷ 10 = 30, 300 ÷ 100 = 3, 300 ÷ 1000 = 0.3.
      • Divide whole numbers ending with zeros: These worksheets help students practice dividing numbers that end with one or more zeros by single-digit numbers. For example, 600 ÷ 3 = 200, 9000 ÷ 9 = 1000.
      • Whole number division input/output: find the rules: These worksheets help students find the missing numbers or rules in input/output tables that involve division. For example,














      (Answer: Output = Input ÷ 3; Output = 4, 5, 6)


      • How to divide three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers: These worksheets help students learn and practice the steps of long division with three-digit dividends and one-digit divisors.
      • How to divide larger numbers by one-digit numbers with or without remainders: These worksheets help students extend their long division skills to larger dividends (up to six digits) and one-digit divisors with or without remainders.
      • Division word problems: These worksheets help students apply their division skills to solve real-world problems that involve equal groups, sharing, or measuring. For example,

        There are 24 cupcakes in a box. If each student gets 3 cupcakes, how many students can share the cupcakes?

        (Answer: 24 ÷ 3 = 8 students)

    • How to use the worksheets in your classroom or at home

      These worksheets are designed to be used in your classroom or home as supplementary materials for your 3rd-grade math curriculum. You can use them in various ways, such as:

      • As homework assignments to reinforce what students learned in class
      • As independent practice or review sessions to check students' understanding and progress
      • As assessment tools to evaluate students' skills and identify areas of improvement
      • As differentiation tools to provide extra support or challenge for different learners
      • As enrichment activities to extend students' learning and interest

      To get the most out of these worksheets, you should:

      • Choose the appropriate level of difficulty and topic for your students based on their needs and goals
      • Provide clear instructions and examples before giving out the worksheets
      • Monitor and guide students as they work on the worksheets, and provide feedback and encouragement
      • Review and discuss the answers and strategies with the whole class or in small groups
      • Celebrate students' achievements and celebrate their efforts

    Bonus: More resources and printable division worksheets for 3rd Grade math for teachers & parents

    We have some suggestions if you are looking for more resources and printable division worksheets for 3rd Grade math for teachers & parents.


    You can download and print these worksheets for free from the following links:


Thank you for sharing the links of with your loved ones. Your choice is greatly appreciated.


We’ll love to reiterate that division is an important and useful skill that 3rd-grade math students need to master. With these tips, tricks, worksheets from, and other resources, you can help your students learn and practice division in a fun and easy way.

We hope you find these materials helpful and enjoy using them with your students.

Happy dividing!

  • Math Skills For Kids - 100% Free Resources For Math Practice - Math Worksheets, Games And Printable