Fun and engaging printable telling time worksheets for 3rd Graders

Do you want to help your child master telling time in third grade? Then grab these fun and engaging printable telling time worksheets for 3rd Graders and teach them all they need to know about telling time from the analog and digital clock.

  • Telling time is an essential skill that will help your child in many aspects of life, such as planning, scheduling, and problem-solving. But telling time can also be fun and engaging with the right resources, like!

    In this article, you will learn:

    • Why telling time is an important skill for 3rd graders
    • How to choose the right printable telling time worksheets for your child
    • Tips and tricks to make telling time fun and engaging
    • Examples of printable telling time worksheets for 3rd graders
    • How to use printable telling time worksheets effectively
    • Bonus: Find more resources to reinforce telling time learning in third grade here!

    Let's get started!

Why telling time is an important skill for 3rd graders

Even though challenging to some kids, telling time is an important skill for 3rd graders to pick up as they grow older. This is because telling time is not only a math skill but also a life skill. However, by learning how to tell time using our fun and engaging Mathskills4kids’ time-telling worksheets, your 3rd graders will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of time and how it relates to events and activities
  • Develop a sense of responsibility and independence by managing their own time
  • improve their logical thinking and reasoning skills by solving problems involving time
  • Enhance their communication and social skills by using time-related vocabulary and expressions
  • Appreciate the value of time and use it wisely
    • Basic time conversion rules –converting seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years?

      Quick access our Telling time worksheets grade 3 pdf and have a perfect mastery of basic time conversion rules – converting seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years.

      Most of our Fun and engaging printable telling time worksheets for 3rd Graders, especially: relate time units; read a calendar; convert between hours and fraction of hours, can only be perfectly understood when kids become proficient with basic time conversion rules.

      In this light, we will provide an outstanding conversion table (rules) of time units that will captivate kid’s interest in easy understanding, thus enjoy while solving our fun telling time exercises.

      Conversion table of time units

      60 seconds  = 1 minute

      60 minutes  = 1hour

      24hours       = 1 day

      7 days          = 1week

      52 weeks     = 1 year

      12 months   = 1 year

      365/366 days = 1 year

      10 years      = 1 decade

      100 years     = 1 century

    • How to choose the right printable telling time worksheets for your child

      Many printable telling time worksheets are available online, but not all are suitable for your child. To choose the right printable telling time worksheets for your child, you need to consider the following:

      • Your child's current level of understanding and proficiency in telling time
      • Your child's learning style and preferences
      • Your child's interests and hobbies
      • Your child's goals and challenges in telling time
    • Tips and tricks to make telling time fun and engaging for your child

      Telling time can be boring using plain worksheets with numbers and clocks. Hence, below are amazing tips and tricks to make telling time fun and engaging for your child. You can:

      • Use colorful and attractive worksheets with pictures and themes that your child likes
      • Incorporate games and puzzles into the worksheets to make them interactive and challenging
      • Relate the worksheets to real-life situations and scenarios that your child can relate to
      • Provide positive feedback and encouragement to your child as they complete the worksheets
      • Reward your child with stickers, certificates, or prizes for their achievements
    • Examples of fun and engaging printable telling time worksheets for 3rd graders

      Here are some examples of fun and engaging printable telling time worksheets for 3rd graders that you can download and print for free. These worksheets cover various topics and skills related to telling time, such as:

      • Matching clocks and time in words: This worksheet helps your child practice reading analog clocks and writing the corresponding time in words. For example, if the clock shows 9:15, your child should write "nine fifteen" or "quarter past nine.”
      • Match digital clock to analog clock: This worksheet helps your child practice reading digital clocks and matching them with the correct ones. For example, if the digital clock shows 12:30, your child should find the analog clock that shows the same time.
      • How to read a clock: This worksheet helps your child review the basics of reading a clock, such as the hour hand, the minute hand, the numbers on the clock face, and the difference between a.m. and p.m.
      • m. and P.m. time: This worksheet helps your child practice identifying whether a given time is in the morning or the afternoon. For example, if the time is 7:00, your child should write "a.m." or "p.m." depending on the context.
      • How to write time from words to digits: This worksheet helps your child practice writing the time in digits from words. For example, if the words are "half past eight,” your child should write "8:30".
      • How to find the elapsed time: This worksheet helps your child practice finding the elapsed time between two given times. For example, if the start time is 10:45 a.m. and the end time is 11:15 a.m., your child should find the elapsed time by subtracting the start time from the end time.
      • Word problems on elapsed time: This worksheet helps your child practice solving word problems involving elapsed time. For example, if John started his homework at 4:00 p.m. and finished it at 5:30 p.m., how long did he spend on it?
      • Identify time patterns: This worksheet helps your child practice identifying patterns in sequences of times. For example, if the times are 9:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 12:00 p.m., your child should identify the pattern as "one hour apart.”
      • How to convert between hours and fraction of hours: This worksheet helps your child practice converting between hours and fraction of hours. For example, if the time is 2.5 hours, your child should convert it to 2 hours and 30 minutes.
      • How to read a calendar: This worksheet helps your child practice reading a calendar and answering questions about dates, days, weeks, months, and years. For example, if the date is June 26, 2023, your child should answer questions such as "What day of the week is it?" or "How many days are left in June?"
    • How to use Mathskills4kids’ printable telling time worksheets effectively

      Printable telling time worksheets from are great tools to help your child learn and practice telling time, but more is needed. To use printable telling time worksheets effectively, you should also:

      • Review the worksheets with your child before they start working on them
      • Explain the instructions and examples clearly and patiently
      • Monitor your child's progress and check their answers
      • Help your child with any difficulties or errors they encounter
      • Discuss the results and feedback with your child after they finish the worksheets

    Bonus: Find more resources to reinforce telling time learning in Third Grade here!

    If you're looking for more resources to reinforce telling time learning in your Third Graders, you’ll find them here. They all contain fun and engaging ways to help your third graders master telling time!

    We’ve compiled a list of some of the best online and offline activities that will make learning time with your kids a breeze. Here are some of our favorites:

    • Time Bingo: This classic game can be adapted for any skill level. All you need are some bingo cards with different times on them and a caller who will announce the times in words or show them on a clock.

    The first player to get five in a row wins! You can find printable bingo cards and a digital caller here:


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Conclusion: Keep Practicing and Have Fun

Telling time is an important skill for 3rd graders that will benefit them in many ways. With the right printable telling time worksheets, you can make telling time fun and engaging for your child. You can also use other resources such as games, videos, and activities to reinforce third-grade telling-time learning.

We hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. And remember to visit our website,, for more exciting math activities in all grades.

We also hope you share this resource with your friends and family interested in printable telling time worksheets for 3rd graders!

Happy telling time!

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