How to explain fractions to 3rd Graders: Worksheets and tips
Spark your 3rd grader’s interest in fractions with these super fun fractions worksheets and tips designed for Grade 3 tutors. Given that fractions can be tricky and confusing for some students, we have resolved to help explain to teachers and parents how to explain fractions to 3rd graders in a way that makes sense.
Fractions are one of the most important and fun topics in math for 3rd graders. They help us understand how to divide things into equal parts, how to compare different parts of a whole, and how to solve problems involving fractions.
You will love this article about fractions as it contains everything you need to teach fractions to your 3rd graders confidently and enthusiastically.
Start with the basics: What is a fraction?
Before introducing fractions to your students, ensure they have a solid understanding of a fraction. A fraction is a way of representing a part of a whole or a part of a group.
For example, if you have a pizza and cut it into four equal slices, each slice is one-fourth of the pizza. You can write this as 1/4. The number on the top of the fraction is called the numerator, which tells you how many parts you have. The number on the bottom of the fraction is called the denominator, which tells you how many parts the whole is divided into. So 1/4 means one part out of four.
- Number and compapring
- Place value
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Understand multiplication
- Multiplication skill builders
- Multiplication fluency
- Multiplication
- Understand division
- Division skill builders
- Division fluency
- Division practice
- Mixed operation
- Properties
- Equations & variations
- Estimate & rounding
- Logical reasoning
- Patterns
- Money
- Telling time
- Data graph & probability
- Understanding fractions
- Equivalent fractions
- Comparing and ordering fractions
- Operations with fractions
- Unit of measurement
- Two-dimensional shapes
- Triangles and quadrilaterals
- 3D shapes
- Geometric measurement
Cutting shapes into equal parts
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Understanding fraction as area models
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Showing fractions as area models word problems
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How to represent fractions on number lines
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How to graph unit fractions on number lines
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Solving fraction of a whole number word problems
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Cutting shapes into equal parts
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Why fractions are fun and important
Fractions are fun and important for 3rd graders to learn for many reasons. First, they are not only useful for math, but they are also fun and relevant to everyday life. You can use fractions to measure ingredients for cooking, tell time, divide money, make art, play music, and much more.
Fractions also help you develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills to help you in other subjects and the future. Learning fractions can be fun and rewarding by using engaging activities and games that make fractions come alive.
What Are Fractions? - A Simple Definition and Examples
To help your students understand fractions, you can use simple definitions and examples they can relate to. Here are some examples of how you can explain fractions to your 3rd graders:
- A fraction is a part of a whole. For example, if you break a chocolate bar into two pieces, each piece is half of the chocolate bar. You can write this as 1/2.
- A fraction is a part of a group. For example, if you have six apples and three of them are red, three out of six apples are red. You can write this as 3/6.
- A fraction can also be written as a division. For example, 1/2 means one divided by two. You can use a division symbol or a horizontal line to write fractions.
- A fraction can have different names depending on how you write or say it. For example, 1/2 can be called one-half, two-fourths, or four-eighths. These are called equivalent fractions because they represent the same amount.
How to use visual aids to teach fractions has designed one of the best ways to teach or explain fractions to your 3rd graders using visual aids that show them what fractions look like and how they work. Visual aids can help your students see the relationship between the numerator and the denominator, compare different fractions, and find equivalent fractions.
Some of these common visual aids for teaching fractions are:
- Fraction circles: These are circles that are divided into equal parts with different colors or patterns. You can use fraction circles to show your students how to make halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, eighths, etc.
You can also use them to show how to compare fractions with the same denominator or find equivalent fractions by matching different circles.
- Fraction bars: These are rectangles that are divided into equal parts with different colors or patterns. You can use fraction bars to show your students how to make halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, eighths, etc.
You can also use them to show how to compare fractions with the same numerator or find equivalent fractions by lining up different bars.
- Fraction models: These are objects or pictures representing fractions in real-life situations. You can use fraction models to show your students how to make fractions from pizzas, cakes, cookies, candy bars, etc.
You can also use them to show how to solve word problems involving fractions by drawing or using manipulatives.
- Number lines: These lines have numbers marked at equal intervals. You can use number lines to show your students how to locate fractions on a line using unit fractions (fractions with 1 as the numerator) as reference points.
You can also use them to show how to compare fractions with different denominators or find equivalent fractions using equivalent unit fractions.
- Fraction circles: These are circles that are divided into equal parts with different colors or patterns. You can use fraction circles to show your students how to make halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, eighths, etc.
Understanding fractions: Some examples of Mthskills4kids’ Grade 3 fractions worksheets
To help your students practice and understand fractions, visit, an amazing website with thrilling worksheets, including different exercises and challenges.
These Worksheets can help your students review what they have learned, apply their knowledge to new situations, and check their understanding and progress.
Here are some examples of worksheets and tips illustrating how to explain fractions to 3rd Graders:
- How to make halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, and eighths: This worksheet will help your students learn how to divide shapes into equal parts and name the fractions. It will also help them recognize that different shapes can have the same fraction name. For example, a circle and a square can both be divided into four equal parts, and each part is one-fourth.
- Understanding fraction bars: This worksheet will help your students learn how to use fraction bars to represent fractions. It will also help them compare fractions with the same numerator or denominator and find equivalent fractions by lining up different bars.
- Understand fractions as area models: This worksheet will help your students learn how to use area models to represent fractions. It will also help them compare fractions with the same numerator or denominator and find equivalent fractions by shading or coloring different model parts.
- Matching unit fractions to models: This worksheet will help your students learn how to identify and match unit fractions (fractions with 1 as the numerator) to models. It will also help them understand that unit fractions are the building blocks of all other fractions and can be used to make other fractions by adding or multiplying them.
- Identifying and matching unit fractions on number lines: This worksheet will help your students locate and match unit fractions on number lines. It will also help them understand that number lines can be used to show fractions as points or distances on a line and that they can be used to compare fractions with different denominators.
- Graphing and comparing fractions on number lines: This worksheet will help your students learn how to graph and compare fractions on number lines. It will also help them understand that number lines can be used to show equivalent fractions by using equivalent unit fractions as reference points used to order fractions from least to greatest or vice versa.
- Fractions of a whole modeling word problems: This worksheet will help your students learn how to solve word problems involving fractions of a whole by using models or pictures. It will also help them understand how to write fractions as part of a whole or as a division and how to use keywords like of, out of, or from to identify fractions.
Tips for making fractions fun and engaging: Games, songs, and activities
To make learning fractions more fun and engaging for your 3rd graders, you can use games, songs, and activities that involve fractions in creative and interactive ways. Games, songs, and activities can help your students practice and reinforce fraction concepts, develop their math skills, and enjoy learning math.
Here are some examples of games, songs, and activities that you can use to teach fractions to your 3rd graders:
- Fraction bingo: This is a game where you give your students bingo cards with different fractions and call out fraction names or show fraction models. Your students will mark the matching fraction on their cards and shout "bingo" when they have a full row, column, or diagonal. You can use fraction circles, bars, models, or number lines as the calling cards.
- Fraction memory: This is a game where you give your students cards with different fractions on them and ask them to find pairs of equivalent fractions by flipping two cards at a time. You can use fraction circles, bars, models, or number lines as cards.
- Fraction war: This game can be played with fraction cards. You can use the same cards from the bingo game or make your own. The game is similar to the regular war card game but with fractions. Each player gets a stack of cards and turns over one card at a time. The player with the larger fraction wins both cards.
If the fractions are equal, the players have a war and turn over two more cards each. The player with the larger fraction wins all the cards. The game ends when one player has all the cards or when the time is up.
- Fraction pizza: This is an activity where you give your students paper plates and ask them to make pizzas with different toppings and cut them into equal slices. You then ask them to write the fraction of each topping on their pizzas and compare them with their classmates.
You can also ask them to solve word problems involving fraction pizzas using models or pictures.
- Fraction Puzzles: This is a hands-on activity that helps students practice identifying and matching equivalent fractions. You can use free printable puzzles or make your own by cutting up fraction strips or circles. The students have to find and put together the pieces that show the same fraction in different ways.
- Fraction Flip Books: This creative activity helps students review fraction concepts and vocabulary. You can use free printable templates or make your own by folding and cutting paper.
The students will write and illustrate different fraction terms and examples on each flip book page, such as numerator, denominator, equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, improper fractions, etc.
Bonus: Find more resources to reinforce fraction understanding in Third Grade here!
If you're looking for more ways to reinforce fraction understanding in third grade, you're in luck! Many online resources offer fun and engaging worksheets with tips on how to explain fractions to 3rd graders.
Here are some of the best ones we've found:
- Math Playground: This website has a variety of games and puzzles that let kids explore fractions in different ways. They can play with fraction bars, fraction circles, fraction tiles, fraction models, and more.
They can also compare fractions, add fractions, subtract fractions, and solve fraction word problems. You can find all the fraction games here:
- com: This website has a vast collection of worksheets, games, and activities that cover all the fraction topics for third grade. They have worksheets on identifying fractions, comparing fractions, equivalent fractions, fractions on a number line, fractions of a set, and more.
They also have games that make learning fractions fun, such as Fraction Bingo, Fraction War, Fraction Pizza Party, and more. You can find all the fraction resources here:
- Khan Academy: This website has a comprehensive curriculum that teaches fractions from the basics to the advanced levels. They have videos, exercises, quizzes, and tests covering all the third-grade fraction skills.
They also have interactive tools that let kids manipulate fractions and see how they work. You can find all the fraction lessons here:
- Math Blaster: This website has a fun and futuristic theme that makes math exciting for kids. They have games and missions that challenge kids to use their fraction skills in different scenarios.
They can blast asteroids with fractions, race with fractions, save aliens with fractions, and more. You can find all the fraction games here:
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Conclusion: Keep Practicing and Have Fun
Fractions are an important and fun part of math that 3rd graders need to learn and master. By using worksheets, visual aids, games, songs, and activities, you can help your students understand what fractions are, how to compare and order them, how to find equivalent fractions, and how to apply them to real-world situations.
We hope you enjoyed this fun fractions article from and found some useful resources, worksheets, and tips for explaining fractions to 3rd graders!